Yeah so I just made this today...I hope its an interesting read for all of you and I hope I have fun spilling out every detail of my life out to you guys. Even the dirty details...Okay maybe not that far...Atleast not yet... sweatdrop So yeah you might want to start by leaving me a couple of comments...For inspiration and motivation. Thanks much!
heart - Skye Nathans - heart
domokun Me Being Random.... domokun
So I went to a squirrel...He looked up at me...I looked down at him and smiled. Then the next thing you know is he's throwing his acorns at me. Then I'm not sure what he was doing but I'm pretty sure he was mistaking my head for a giant acorn...I don't know who that squirrel thought he was...But I showed him who was boss...I tossed my peanut at him and said..."Hah biznatch!"
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