Ok kiddies its time to get your Pocket monsters out and battle. That's right pokemone is back and this time two new games based on the old colors from the original are back. Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.

I had the Liberty of Purchasing pokemon White. Now this game is probably going to be the final Pokemon game for the Nintendo Ds/ DS lie/ DSi with the release of the new Nintendo 3DS and as such it's time for my Review of the game
First lets start with the important thing. What is the game called Pokemon. Pokemon is a Turn based Strategy RPG. In this game you go around the world collecting little monsters in devices called Pokeballs and battle almost every person you see as well as places in towns called Gyms. Your goal is to acquire 8 count them 8 Gym badges and then take on four elite gym guys in a Gauntlet match where if you lose just once you have to start alllllll Over again.
Now then lets review the story.
The story has never really been something in the Pokemon series. In red and blue it was a a little kid against a evil group. in gold and silver there wasn't much of a story. Ruby and Sapphire brought a bit of story back as did Pearl and Diamond but with Black and White you really felt like the story was there.
Spoiler Alert.
The story in this game has you starting out receiving one of three Pokemon A fire pig A grass Snake and a Water Weasel I mean Otter. Your friends then choose the two you didn't and then you proceed for the first time in pokemon history to have not one but two pokemon battles in your room. The first which of course knocks the crap out of your room. You then proceed to go around the island your on which is considered the world to collect gym badges. along the way you meet new pokemon and attempt to capture them in pokeballs so you can have a whole team to fight against the Gym leaders. Eventually you meet this generations bad guys called Team Plasma who's goal sounds actually pretty good. They don't want to take over the world they dont want revenge they dont want legendary pokemon for power. All they want is for everyone to release there pokemone since they feel bad for the pokemon. That's right folks your bad guys this time are the Pokemon Peta. But it's really just a ploy for there real plan which you will learn in the game. For the first time Major spoiler your Rival/ Enemy will actually acquire a legendary Pokemon. If you chose White they will have Blacks Legendary if you chose black they will have white's. And eventually you will get the other and vice versa so you can have a showdown. Legendary vs Legendary is an epic battle to see WHO IS DEADLIST!!!!
Now then the gameplay. The game play is just like the original pokemon games. You toss out a monster you choose your attacks the faster of the two attacks first the winner has his pokemone left standing. Why fix what aint broken. They have added new features of course like three on three pokemon battles which are awesome and a dream world which I have yet to really try.
Now lets get to something everyone loves. The Sound track
This sound track has everyone old pokemon fans love and new pokemon fans will love. You got your classics the battle theme the poke center theme and others but now you have new theme's Like N's theme and the final show down theme. I really liked this soundtrack.
Now lets discuss the graphics.
This is where the new game and the technology comes into play. The graphics in this game are amazing. They have 3d like towns and the pokemon have constant movement in battle and when you put a pokemon to sleep there eyes actually close. Also for the first time ever They added Cutscenes there arent that many but by god I was so excited to see a Cut scene in a pokemon game for a hand held.
So whats my Final Verdict on this game. I am going to give this game a Solid 8 out of 10. By this game. Its an awesome RPG. What keeps it from a perfect ten is the same thing that always keeps it from a perfect ten but its a good game. and I can't wait for the Black and white cross over game I'm hoping they call it Grey.
Tyler Aesnland Rubyre · Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 09:38pm · 1 Comments |