Well, I guess this will be about just about anything that happens in my life. Not much to write but sooo much drama that it would be a great soap opera haha
Changes much?
I just noticed how much I've changed over the past like year. I went from the girl who wanted to be perfect, who was so creative, who made amazing grades and had millions of friends to a nobody who's grades drop some everyday and who's creativity is dark and depressing and has almost no one. A year can really change you. But at least I am what I want to be right now. I'm not a fake anymore and I don't care what people say or think of me anymore.... Or maybe this is just another mask I can't take off which is trying to please everyone yet fails miserable. Anyways, I dunno what else to say. I may go to Curtis's tomorrow. Dunno if I'll be able to and if I can it will be for a very short amout of time. I have to try and get my grades to a decent level. I normally have a's all around but now I'm just not caring and there probably kinda low to my average scores. Whatever. I don't really care about any of it anymore. These last few months have helped me grow out of this child I was and made me to what I am now. Though honestly, I have no idea what that is. At least I know it isn't too bad or I still wouldn't have Curtis around. Hopefully he will stick around but I'd understand if he won't. I can't think of much elsed to tell you guys. Not much to say really. :/