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My First Mission
So the rest of today was just as great as this morning. Right before we could start reading anything about the assignment, our superior, (more like an idiot mad with power) came to our desk (we don't actually share a desk, I'm on one side and my partner has a desk right against the back of mine) and told us the boss needed to see us.. So in we went, half expecting to get nailed for something else that wasn't our fault, only to find out he wanted us in the field. Now that posed as a problem, considering we knew nothing about the mission because no one had told us anything about it or given us time to read the pile of papers on our desks. So out we went. I don't even know how many times we were yelled at for nothing. (Maybe it was something..but we had and still don't have any idea what exactly we're doing). And now still left in the dark about what we're doing, it's back to reading so we can try and figure it out. *Sigh* I need a vacation already....
-Agent 006