
Full Name: Yuki
Nickname: none
Famous Shinobi Name: Ice queen
Birth date December 21st
Age: 20
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: Japanese
Shinobi Profession: Leader
Nindo: Protect those who can’t protect themselves
Major Shinobi Information:
Bloodline: Hyoton
Current Bloodline Stage: Fully developed
Chakra Color: Lite blue
Chakra Element: wind and water makes ice
Battle Strength: Ninjutsu, speed, kenjutus
Battle Weakness: taijutsu, always looking after
Summoning Information:
Summoning Type: Snow leopard
Boss Summoning: Koori
Shinobi Equipment Information:
Headband Location: around neck
Headband Style:
Headband Color: white
Flak Jacket Style: none
Flak Jacket Color: none
Weapon Class:

Name of Weapon: KooriKiba (ice fang)
Weapon Range: short
Special Abilities: Channels chakra into the blade, the blade freezes particles around her making ice. Can turn the ice into weapons.
Weapon Location: on back.
Other Weapons: Kunai, shuriken, senbon
Kunai Holster Location: at waist
Kunai Holster Color: white
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location: waist
Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color: white
Backpack Color: white
Backpack Style: satchel at left side
Squad Number/Squad Name: [Only if teacher]
Squad Members: [N/A]
1. _______ (Genin)
2. _______ (Genin)
3. _______ (Genin)
Technique List:
((General Skills))
→Kai - Dispell
→Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Jutsu
→Escape Jutsu
→Art of Tree Climbing
→Substitution Jutsu (1 Per Battle)
→ Kakuremino no Jutsu (Disguise Jutsu)
This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them invisible. Konohamaru uses this technique constantly in the beginning of the series to try and fool Naruto Uzumaki, but uses poor disguises (square rocks with eyeholes, cloaks that are incorrectly patterned or the wrong way round, or simply not covering himself completely), thus betraying the illusion.
→Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)
This jutsu allows the user to transform either themselves or another object into the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konohagakure Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.
→ Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Fog Clone Jutsu)
Just like the regular Clone Technique this technique creates intangible clones of the user, although these clones will let the attacker go right through him/her. The illusions can be seen through by the Sharingan.
→ Sōshuriken no Jutsu (Manipulated Shuriken Technique)
With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. An expert will have the ability to freely glide the shuriken in any direction with just a single movement of their fingertip.
→ Joro Senbon (Ninja Art: Senbon Rainstorm)
After throwing a special umbrella into the air, it will release a hailing "shower" of senbon. Any quick enemy will be able to deflect or block the senbon since they do not travel at particularly high speeds. However, this cannot be dodged by moving away since the needles cover a wide area. The needles were said to be able to pierce a five millimeter thick steel sheet. They can also be dipped in poison to increase lethality.
→ Sōshūjin (Blade Manipulation Jutsu)
The user makes kunai knives float in mid-air as he or she uses chakra to control them and direct them to an opponent.
→ Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)
Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.
Hidden Mist Techniqu
Water Prison Technique
Water Release: Water Whip
Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death
Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique
Water Release: Water Fang Bullet
Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken
Wind Release: Verdant Mountain's Violent Wind
Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm
Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Ball
Wind Release: Blade of Wind
→ Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Genjutsu: Sylvan Fetters)
With this jutsu, the user can make themselves disappear, allowing them to approach their target unnoticed. Once completed, a tree and roots will grow at the target's feet and restrict their movements. Once the opponent believes that they are captured, the user can then appear above their opponent from the tree's trunk and kill the target.
Genjutsu: Hanachiri Nuko (Genjutsu: Petal Disperse)
When trapped inside of a genjutsu or wishing to appear trapped, the user uses this jutsu to dissolve their body into many flower petals which then consume his/ hers enemy's body.
→ Nehan Shōja no Jutsu (Feather Illusion Jutsu)
This jutsu causes everyone within a specific area to fall into a deep sleep. From the target's point of view, it seems as if feathers are falling from the sky, which serves as a distraction to allow the jutsu to take effect. The downside, however, is that any experienced ninja have more than enough time to dispel it.
→ Hand to hand combat
→ Martial arts
Kekkei Genkai:
Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors(Makyō Hyōshō)- Using his kekkei genkai, Haku can create a dome of twenty-one mirrors made out of ice to trap an opponent. Twelve remain at ground level, eight are placed above the first twelve and angled toward the ground, and the final mirror is above the rest and facing the ground. Haku can then enter one of the mirrors and instantly transport to another mirror. While moving about he bombards the opponent with attacks at very high speeds, such that the rest of the world appear to be moving in slow motion compared to him. If the mirror Haku is in is broken, he can leap out of one of the fragments and continue his attack or move to another mirror. The technique requires a large amount of chakra to maintain, so Haku's movement becomes progressively slower the longer he maintains the mirrors.
Though they are made from ice, the mirrors are resistant to at least low level fire techniques (Sasuke's Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique was barely able to make the rim frost melt).
Demonic Mirror Ice Murder (Makyō Hyō Satsu)- After the victim is trapped in Haku's Demonic Ice Mirrors, the mirrors will explode, damaging all inside while Haku, using his speed to get away at the last instant, remains safely outside of the blast.
Ice Spikes- The user unleashes giant spikes made of ice if they are endangered. Haku used this when he defends himself from his father when he attempted to kill him because of his Kekkei Genkai.
Frost Rose- a rose forms of ice and she spins it, causeing the petals to fly off. The ice petals are as sharp as blades,
Frost petal storm- A field of ice roses form on the battle field, they spin and shoot the sharp petals at the enemy.
Shinobi Stat System
Basic Chart
Strength Rank:
Speed Rank:
Stamina Rank:
Defense Rank:
Chakra Level:
Chakra Control Level:
Chart (With Additional Points)
Strength Rank:
Speed Rank:
Stamina Rank:
Defense Rank:
Chakra Level:
Chakra Control Level:
Personal Shinobi Information:
Height: 5’6
Weight: 120
Personality: Yuki can be cold and emotionless if it calls for it, but most times she is sweet and caring. She loves helping others and adores animals and children. She does have a temper if pushed and can be very stubborn and high spirited.
Personal Skill: She is fast, good at singing, and most art. She can get close to almost any animal.
Favorite Food: Almost anything sweet, loves general tso chicken
Favorite Drink: green tea or tea in general
Least Favorite Food certain vegetables.
Likes Pocky, Yanyan, sweets of almost any kind, fruit. She loves drawing and singing, being outside and loves snow. She likes children and animals, people that are kind and helping others.
Dislikes: Bullies, arrogant people especially males, those who harm her friends and family, those who harm animals and children. She dislikes being interrupted when working on something or reading
and those who harm nature. The akatsuki
Hates: hates nothing really, things hating only leads to more pain.
Village Hidden Mist village
Family: none
Background History:
Yuki’s mother was a ninja from the land of snow, she joined at a young age for her amazing abilities and knowledge. She fought in many wars, using her kekkei to help defend her nation. As the years passed the time of peace happened, and those with those abilities were being murdered. Around this time She was found by an assassin, a ninja from another nation. As he tried to make the killing blow she pulled his mask off, their eyes meeting. He stopped as he actually saw her more, amazed at her beauty and found himself unable to kill her. He faked his death and hers, burning their home to the ground and so they were safe.
Years later they moved from town to town, trying to hide from both their pasts and the dangers they had brought upon themselves. Finally a small village accepted them into their doors, with her mother being pregnant. As the first snow happened that year she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, naming her Yuki after the snow. With ninjas hot on their tail her parents made the most painful decision. Her mother left a note and her precious baby on the doorstep of anbu. The note begged for the girl to be raised and protected, with a side part to forbid her to be a ninja.
Years later Yuki watched as the other children started training for the academy, something she was forbidden to even think about. She was so frustrated that her father was a high ranked ninja and she was forbidden to even think about it. Around this young age she met a couple older boys in the village, the twins being boys picked on her about this. Finally she had had enough and when the next boy started picking on her she decked him. She was later scolded for her behavior, and even though she explained how they treated her still punished.
Her father knew he couldn’t keep her from it forever when he caught her having a student teach her some jutsu and saw she was a natural. Later that year she was enrolled in the academy. She didn’t understand why she was so good at the jutsu, thinking it was because her father being a ninja. One day when she was on her first big mission a rogue group attacked her. She was separated from her group as a big ninja attacked her. She screamed and tried to protect herself, and when she didn’t feel anything hit her she peeked. She was crying when she saw the ninja frozen in a block of ice, not understanding what happened. When her sensei found her he too was confused. Later on she was told about a rare kekkei and that her mother must have had it. She was to young to be told her father wasn’t her father so they just told her that.
For years she trained, growing stronger with her kekkei and worked to better herself so she wouldn’t lose control again. Yuki returned back to her village and rose to the rank of mizukage.
Theme Song: none
Extra Comments on Character: her eyes are so pale she looks blind