I'm soo happy that I got a dress for tomorrow's farewell!!! blaugh WEEEEEEEEE!!! It was a bit expensive for it.. but my mommy bought it.. yeahh it's cute!! =3 Adorable! ;D and hopefully nobody else's dress is like it.. >_> I don't wanna look like someone else.. D; ohh my..
The bad news is.. that I just checked my grades online.. and the ******** spanish teacher gave me 20 in a grammar test?!! WTF is wrong with her? We didn't even do that test??!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! and that stupid teacher dares to give me 20 even when I helped her checked her ******** books from the 9th graders??!! Unbelievable!!! ******** HER!! scream stressed stare She doesn't deserve my hard work a*****e!! What pisses me the most is that her favorite student, which isn't eevn the best at her subject 'cuz that's me, and she doesn't even try 'cuz she gets 100's without even doing things. and the teacher gave her ******** 100 on that test which we didn't even do?!! ******** HER!!
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101mil/too much

gimme your black silk boxers please? emotion_dowant
love avi arts 4laugh
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