Username: Pyra Demonia
Character name: Audria Luzvela
Age: 17
Species: human
Species Description:
Bio: Audria has always been a well-behaved child, as forced by her elementary teacher mother and office working father. According to them, the more you did in younger years, the better chance at a better job you would get. So lessons, classes, and activities were forced on her. From violin at age 10, to gymnastics at age 12, and now in the student council, she's been occupying her time with the good grades and "lovely on application" activies. Responsible, cheerful, dedicated--what a boring life. She's grown sick and tired of such behavior, and is taking what she got from past activities, to have more of a kick in her life. And a scary member of the student council the pretty girl became. A rough tease, and her name is Audria.
Powers/ Weapons: tonfas~ gotta love em.
Weekness: for one, she's pretty, so strength is not too great. Claustrophobic, too.
Likes: sweets, ribbons, violin
Dislikes: worms, graves, small places, hot climate.
Job: student
Other: She's a major tease, even in the middle of beating someone up.