Full Name: Christopher "Chris" Anderson
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Physical Description: 6'1", 160, Lanky build. He has a wolf's tail.
Occupation: Lake House Retreat Owner
Catch Phrase: "You really shouldn't make so many assumptions."
Education: Community College for business management
Accent: North Eastern (USA)
Family History: Mother died in childbirth, father was abusive/frustrated due his mother's affair with...someone? Father died of a heart attack in the more recent past
Current Relationships with Family & Friends: Family is all dead, has no friend aside from Rose and Angela and that's a bit rocky at that
Notable Events in Life History: The stay of Angela and Rose at his home forced his acceptance that he is not alone in being different, however he is among the least worrisome.
Moral Beliefs: To protect his 'pack' above all others.
Mode of Transportation: '93 Chevy Truck
Ambitions: To find a way to live his own life
Prejudices: He's wary of small minded people, fearful of how they would look at him if they knew the truth.
Good Points: He's a loyal guy. He'd never betray Angela or Rose, not even with a gun pointed at his head.
Bad Points: He's a bit of a wimp. For being a 'wolf' he's not exactly a fighter, and rarely do his instincts kick in until almost the last moment.
Sexual History/Relationships: I never thought about it until now; OMG, he's a virgin!
Sense of Humor: Dry, but relatively good humored, sarcastic at times (typically with Angela)
Philosophy: Deontology (mostly because his intentions are good, but things don't always quite work out as they should)
Attitude to Life: "Live life to the fullest...whatever that means."
Attitude to Romance/Love: "I'm not so sure chicks do dig the tail..."/"Wolves mate for life. I've got one chance to get this right."
Current Romance: *glances at Angela* "Nothing!"
Hobbies: Reading
Typical Holiday: Doing work around the house, relaxing and reading
Favorite Foods: Steak, served bleeding and rare
Favorite Film/TV: Suspense dramas
Drinking Habits: Doesn't.
Irritating Habits: He's always asking too many questions. It makes him uncomfortable that he might not have the full story.
Star Sign: Cancer
If they won the lottery...he'd give the ticket away in order to shy away from the lime light.
Main Character Flaw: He's afraid to trust his instincts because of his history with his father. It's made him fear that he'll do more harm than good if he just lets himself be himself.
Hidden Agenda: Wants Angela to trust him because he is masochistic and finds her attractive
Unique Vocabulary: How would they say...
Hello: "Hi."
Goodbye: "I'll see ya."
Thank You: "Thanks."
Yes: "Uh huh."
No: "Nah."
I Love You: "I, um, well, I think that...I love you."
Go Away: "I think I'm just gonna leave now."
I Hate You: "I don't think I like you very much."
I'm Cold: *huge exaggerated shudder*
I'm Hungry: *low guttural growl*
You Idiot: "Not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, huh?"
I'm Tired: *yawns and shakes head*
I'm Drunk: "What did you put in my drink?"
Supper: *smiles to reveal slightly elongated canines*
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