Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

Nikki G emails rev rg green |
ok look your site is majorly wacked man. just about everything it says is a lie as far as goths go. i used to be a goth kidd im now scene, you might wanna look that up if your unfimilur with the style. you people would hate me by looks because thats what you do judge by looks. have you ever once stopped to talk to gothic kidd and asked them why they are like they are. and only 23.5% of all goths in the world are satanist. not all goths to do drugs or injure themself. and so God must hate me for talking to the earth bound spirits. but guess what it wasn't a choice for me. i didn't chose to leave my body 3 times and come back seeing hearing and living with eath bound spirits. by choice i wouldn't but dying changes aperson, i'm sure you wouldn't understand such. I doubt you've ever died and came back to life. i did cut at one time in my life my reason was it was the only pain i could control. my life sucks. my brother died, my best friend died, i've lost almost everyone i ever cared about i cant name you a list of all 58 people i hav lost to death. my mom is mentally ill and not by choice and shes getting all the help she can but its not enough. at 7 i had to watch her nearly kill my dad. at 8 she tried killing me. then another time i was 8 i told her i'd kill myself because of her and you know what she did, she ******** handed me the biggest knife she could fine and said do it i dont ******** care i wish i never had you. i was an innocent little kid at school i was bullied for no damn reason i wore my damn happy gap clothes and smiled and laughed like the other kids but i was still bullied to hell and back. i cant even count all the times i had to fight to survive getting beat up. i have heart and lung problems. I hardly ask a thing of your presious Lord. i dont worship satan i never have. God is the only God i know of and i hardl think he gives a ******** about me or anyone i know. he made our lives misery and hell. if i could change it i would but i cant you call goths and skaters trash, say we all will be on wellfair. one pair of gothic tripp pants cost 50 dollars. skinnys cost 40 so from my viewing goth kids and skaters have a lot of money. and you say jocks and preps should be rolemodels.. dude you are way way off. they are the worst in the world they are the freaking drug lords their parties consist of sex drugs alcohol and an obsession with twiglight and vampires. they listen to garbage or as they call it rap/hiphop/r&b. whatever its crap to me. i listen to all kinds of music and play violent game but im not a cerial killer. and i'm not gonna end up on the streets ima become famous and my kids will be the happiest kidds in the world. all my abused friends do not come from gothic homs but have parents that were jocks and cheerleaders. my friends with goth parents are real nice happy people. but i have to know a few things here. why on eath do you people hate goths so much? and if i was all goth and came to your church and spoke outta turn would you punch me too? i mean dude im a girl i can kick every guy around here's a** esay not to mention im smarter too. oh and we bath daily for the record. and hey i too am a republican guess we have a little in common huh.. well i also enjoy classical music at a medium low volume just lik my screamo electro punk emo and christain rock. you know rev we could be real good friends if you werent so close minded and judgmental. you know what all my goth friends are a lot like me and im a lot like most as you call them "normal:" people. normal dont exist though because everyone is unique like snow flakes and raindrops. im an artist, a writer, an atress, and designer. i have the voice of an angel and people tell me all the time im a savior i save so many lives. and an angel from above that explains my name then.. Jessica it means gods beholder if you were to look it up. i think its a hebrew name. wait you guys dont like jews do you. i like jews im real close friends with a few jews. and you say there are not black goth kids dude man are you wrong i have 3 black goth friends who like to tell you otherwise. and germans i am german among other things. i dont worship hitler or any of that BS. my cousins a wiccain shes the sweetest little lady in the world. i know a few witches their all really nice down to earth individuals that dont obsess with death and think about killing people. that my dear sir is a faulse accuzation so if you would fix it or close down your site. it's lies could corupt people like yourself. and dude punching a girl what were you thinking... were you even thinking. thats breaking the law man you cant do that s**t thats considered abuse and assault. you say goths are worse than all the terrorist/ *****/ rapists/ murders ect your wrong. and you say God hates goths, women, cats, gays..... ect your wrong it clearly say in the bible god loves all things. and hate god doesnt hate. to hate is a sin. wait a minute that must make al of you people sinners just like he rest of us humans out here in the world. dont consider this hate mail. its not hate mail its a correction of your standing and beliefs. i didnt cuss you out and wish death upon you your family of friends tho the thought is rather funny, everytime i make a wish and hope for sumthing terrible to happen it normally does for instants i wished my ex to be miserable for ever, that night his parents died in a car crash he got taken as a hostage in a bank robbery and had to live with a foster family that shoved pills done his throat that made him nearly die. but as i was saying before about us being friends.. we totally should. it'd be a good experience for ya. and by the way im not a sex obsessed whore nor do i look like one. i dont sacrifice animals or humans. im no vegan i think vegans and vegetarians are retarted idiots who will die in 2 years due to lack of proteins in their bodys. i do not believe in global warming for science proves the sun is dying and the earth is getting colder this it the coldest july of my life it was 53 degress last night it shoulda been 80. i realise that i do type quiet a bit but at least im not cussing you out or saying ********, b***h, a**, whore, cocksucker.... every other word you know what i mean. though you should know in reading your site i used all of those words about a million times. and in my messed up little mind i had evil cartoons of you being tortured (: well Au revroir misurse hahaha pardon my francise.
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 03:59am · 1 Comments |