LOL i wrote this in 3rd grade. Tell if u like it XD
A white light flickers in the darkness. Lissa’s wand lights up like a glow stick. The glow is a shade of eerie pale green. Saralee glows in the corner like a soft glow of a bulb. My dress ruffles as Sargian and Luci rub my legs. Luci leaps into my arms, her sharp scales scratching my delicate skin. Sargian whimpers; something is wrong. Luci blows fire to light the way to Lissa. Sargian goes ahead, his white fur glinting in the soft light. My dress sleeve catches fire, before harm, Sargian licks it out.
Grace, Lissa’s broom, quivers in the corner. “Walk faster my princess.” She says. “We must make it to the castle before Lazonerous can kill him.” I pick up the pace. My flats glinting green in the light. Something moves in the corner. I’m scared. I walk faster and practically leap into my friend Lissa’s arms.
“Let’s continue. We have to be close, I already smell the evil.” Lissa said with a sour face. We walk up some tall steps. It was to dark to tell what they looked like.
“We better watch for Fame,” said Saralee, “he’ll eat me! Luci use your eyes and tell me if you see him anytime soon.” That black unicorn always made me shiver.
“Fame is a bad unicorn,” I say sadly, “he holds her power only for his pleasure of feeling important. I’m sure with some love he will go to a better place. If he finds us he’ll tell Lazonerous for sure!
Saralee looked at me with troubled eyes, “problem is he blends easily, with his speed and color there is no way we could catch him, nevertheless hold him hostage. Wee must be quiet in case he’s here.
We walked quietly after that, Sargian is still ahead of me. Luci keeps my walk lit, but soon jumps out of my arms. Lissa stops to get water. We know the gates are barely a mile away. We will arrive there shortly. The castle o f Lady Lazonerous has never changed. Same black gates that have cobwebs, same evil black enchanted sky, same eerie doors, windows, and towers. Same scary castle. My castle so much different. A gorgeous garden is surrounding it, golden gates, butterflies swarms, unicorns grazing, and cottages scattered in a beautiful way. Flowers, unbelievable colors, neatly put around the castle. Blue sky, much like your worlds. Doors are pastel shades, windows are stain glass, towers made of silver and gold bricks. One ruler is the only similarity. I own most of Sphohn, but Lady Lazonerous has some. Problem is, she wants in ALL. Prophecy clearly states only a witch can kill her. Supposedly that was Lissa. I, Felicia Annabelle Lacelyn, Princess of Sphohn didn’t have to do anything!
That night after everyone was sleeping I started to think about my parents. After the long day my brain wouldn’t work right so I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.
WE soon continued our journey early the next morning after a small breakfast of wild berries. About ten minutes later we arrived at the gates of Lady Lazonerous’s castle. Thick grey steam came from the top of one of the castle towers.
“Lunch time?” Lissa asked.
“I would think so”, Sargian replied.
“Yum!” we all shouted simultaneously. The walk continued as we approached the black double doors. We could tell she was expecting us.
“Offen” Lissa whispered. That meant “open”. The door clicked and opened. The lights were dim, the candles started to flicker, the wind blew, before they went out we closed the door. Something moved in the dark. It was Fame, I knew it. We assumed he’d be on his way to Lady Lazonerous by now. We continued to walk toward her spell book library. We opened the door and Lady Lazonerous was sitting there, sure enough waiting for us.
“Greetings,” she said with a warm enough smile, “I have been waiting for you. My plan was to set Gandelion free.
“You can’t!” I shrieked. “Gandelion is my best dragon!”
That’s why; I lured you here for a trade. My offer is your dragon, in return your kingdom.” She smirked.
“No absolutely not!” I yelled.
“Then you loose both!” she laughed.
“Then you shall die!” Yelled Lissa, “zu sterben!” Lissa shot a jet of red fireworks toward Lady Lazonerous. Just in time Fame blocked it. The spell disappeared along with Lady Lazonerous and Fame. We raced to the dungeons where Gandelion was held. Today her dungeons weren’t guarded. Gandelion was held in cell one thousand ten. The pure, shinny glass elevator had millions of buttons, each representing a cell number. Saralee kicked the 1010 button with her miniature foot and we sped off to Gandelion cell. Gandelions cell was black with shinny black lasers guarding it.
“Ver schwinden!” Lissa whispered. The lasers disappeared and Gandelion came bounding toward me.
I hugged his leg and said “I missed you too!”
“Zu sterben!” Lazonerous yelled from a distance. Barely missing Gandelion, it hit the brick wall behind.
“Oh great!” Lissa yelled, “Zu sterben!” Lissa screamed. Hitting Lazonerous with the red fireworks she flew back, got knocked out, and died!
I smiled “You killed her!”
You’re right!” Lissa grinned, “I did it!”
Fame came bounding toward us angrily. Snapping his mouth open at Saralee as she quickly got behind Grace. “How could you!” he yelled. Fame stared to flash colors.
What’s happening?” I asked Sargian.
Th-th-an-an-ks-s,” Fame said smiling. “Y-you saved me” Finally he disappeared into the atmosphere.
“He’s in a better place now,” said Sargian. Soon after with Lady Lazonerous dead on the floor, we happily walked home.
Epilogue: 25 years later
I am now 38 and my kingdom has been saved! It is rightfully mine! No other has attempted to take it. I have become a great queen. Unicorns, fairies, centaurs, and everything else respect and live on my grounds. It is all safe in my hands.
Currently I am married, happily, and have two children, Felicity and Samantha, my princesses. Sargian, my werewolf, is their tutor, just like he was mine. Saralee is the house’s top chef (also a very good cook too!) Lissa is my servant and Grace is my sweeper. Gandelion and Luci now fly the skies freely. Luci has been gone a lot lately. I figure she made a good friend in another region. Maybe Sarckalian in Spholin. Life is good for now, in my home of Sphohn.
The spells all happen to be German.
Disappear: ver schwinden
To die: zu sterben
Open: offen
Sphohn is a made up world. All made up by Roxxi. No material has been stole or copyrighted.
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