
Takashi was smart, the youngest edition to the mafia he'd already risen to the top, dining with the boss and the richest leaders in organized crime in the world, he knew at least 4 different languages fluently and several other he would learn during his travels, the young man had been involved, although not directly, in the mafia his whole life, his brother being the boss of the yakuza had kept him 'safe' most of his life. Takashi didn't mind his older brother, he had great faith in his bother and would visit him often as a part of keeping the two groups linked and stable as a sort of brother hood faction. But Takashi had his own ambitions...
There where several woman and men even who where interested in the young man, but he was often too busy to really notice as he spent most of his time learning new things and working out ways to better profit from the mafias dealings. On several occasions he'd been caught out, following instructions left by his assistant in his little organizer he'd be sent out on dates and to hotel rooms where it would either end in a bloody murder or a night of passion, depending on his mood and how persistent the trickster would be.