
alright... alright... here is the full thing.... even the little taste of it i posted earlier. it ends in tears, just a warning. i'm kinda proud of this story....
Ichigo, I'm sorry i made the nez out of character...tough men don't cry... anyway, please excuse this mess of a rough draft, too lazy to actually work out all the kinks... but i'm proud of this one....
"so you're saying that this collar will turn my nazzie into a cute kitty boy" Ichigo directed this question at the genius standing behind her. Cedric, kiken's brother, had formed something you would call a sexy kitty collar, a collar with the magic to shoot some sort of magical substance into any animal and arrange it's dna, structure, and all that other important stuff that separates animals and homosapiens, to create what your animal would look and act like as a human. With a little hesitation, ichigo carefully put the collar on the stuggling black cat in hageshii's arms, everyone in the room; consisting of kiken,cedric, ichigo, hageshii, and alex waited with anticipation to see what came of the large smokey explosion.
" what the hell did you guys do to me!?" ichigo squealed at the sound of the other boy's voice, hoping that it really did work.
Oh, boy did it work. Out of the smoke appeared a fairly young looking man, no older than 18. he had black hair, and somewhat dark skin. scince the collar was programmed for nezzie, the cat wore some torn dark jeans. HE looked up at everybody with those entrancing yellow eyes that showed a bit of anger.
" Are you guys trying to suffocate me or what!?" the cat said, pulling on the black collar with a grey plaid bowtie.
" dude..." kiken whispered.
"He...talks..." hageshii finished. Didn't get two words out before ichigo talked her new found cat boy.
" I Love you and I?m never letting you go!"
Alex observed this, pondering about random things, going over things, thinking about things in her tiny little mind.
" Cedric?. Ow many of thease did you make??
?"about four." He replied.
?"Oh... alright. Just wondering.? He stated quickly noticing she got some peculiar stares from everybody else. She than looked at the time.? s**t.? She said aloud, ? I have to go.? He looked down at the the cat that had been changed into a human and smiled. A malicious smile but a smile nonetheless. With that she walked out the door, not even bothering to close it.
?what the hell did you guys do to me?? he asked again.they didn?t answer, they only stared at him, oogling over cedrics creation. Nazie, who had been a cat, felt a little uncomfortable with all thease people staring at him, and, out of instinct decided to bolt up to ichigo?s room. He found out how the damn lock worked and sat in their, trying to gt accustomed to his new body. It wasn?t as easy as some people would imagine.
Hageshii and ichigo sat on the couch lazily staring at the tv with their eyes glazed over, changing scattered words in the distance between them tiredly.
? so? do you think he?ll ever come down??
? Probably not?I mean if I was thrown into a human body that fast I?d be just as disgusted with myself? especially if I turned into you.? Ichigo glared at hage when he heard this.
? well I wouldn?t be too happy if I turned into a homosexual myself.?
? Oh, what was that!?? hageshii replied in a joking matter
? Oh, what was that!?? Ichigo copied.
This exchange of words went on for thirty seconds before an unfamiliar orange haired kitty boy walked across the living room past them.
? ?.?
? what the hell was that?? ichigo said, pointing in the direction that the mysterious cat boy went. She didn?t lower her finger as she continued talking. The boy yelled up the stairs. ? Nezzie! Nezzie come down and see me! I missed you!? the boy?s voice had a moderately heavy Russian accent, the voice disappeared into the stairwell (whatever the hell you call it?.?
? what the hell is that thing doing in my house??
? you?re parents hou??
? WHATEVER! Anyway?? she said, not really having anything to say after it. She than heard the door open and turned around. It was alex. Alex stood in the door way and looked a little nervous, smiling sheepishly as she stepped further in the house. Right away ichigo knew that alex had something to do with that stranger in her house.
? Alex?? ichigo said calmly, making alex scooted back?. And after just hearing her name, spilled it.
? I stole one of scedrics kitty collars!? she exclaimed
-Mean while-
? nezzie, let me in!? he said anxiously scratching at the bottom of the door, trying to open it. This boy, wore a white shirt with sleeves that was all frilly at the bottom, and frilly at the hem too. (Kinda like ryuichi?s shirt in a concert ^_^) nezzie saw the frills under the door and looked dumbfounded.
? who the hell are you? Are you another cat??
? IT?s me! Armand!? he exclaimed, his voice high and squeaky and broken, he sounded as if tears had just formed in his eyes.
? ?? nezzie walked over to the door and opened the door, seeing the boy?s tail first?scince it was sort of destracting cause other than his hair, it was the most beautiful tail on such a beautiful boy. Armand wide yellow eyes stared up into nezzie?s cold greenish yellow eyes. Armand than, without any warning at al, was able to fully twist himself around onto his stomach launch himself up and tackle nezzie iin less than a second.
? Whoa!? nezzie said falling to the ground, not being able to keep his balance. Armand held onto him for a little while recognizing, and enjoying the other cats company. Armand had already gotten used to his new body, he always wondered what it was like to be a human?.and he was lucky to be such a pretty human too, with fair skin, beautiful curly hair, he looked like a character from a certain book that alex liked?what was the name again? He couldn?t remember?
A short period of time passed before armand finally released his grasp on the older male cat, and did what he always did whenever they met up?
Armand showered nezzie in kisses.
Well cat kisses anyway, playfully licking his face with his not-so rough tounge.
Nezzie than suddenly stopped him from licking his face, and turned his head to look at his. They studied each other, armand?s eyes trailing over the older cat?s guyishi features, the dark skin, the black hair, those beautiful yellow eyes; as nezzie studied armand. His long, orange curly threads of hair falling over his eyes, his feminine, pale face, his cute little ears, and that pretty, long haired tail.
? not all humans look that bad?.? Nezzie admitted, and pulled armand down to him, luring him into a sweet, long kiss?
And than suddenly?
Armand was practicall from nezzie?s legs to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye when the noise startled him. And he managed to say in a surprised, accented voice,
? A-a-alex!??
The nazi-clad transgender snickered as the poloroid quickly spat out the picture. she yelled down the stairs, an abnormal squeak in her voice.
? I got the pictures! I got the picture!!!?they listened with their acute hearing?to the conversation below them.
? got what pictures.? They recognized ichigo?s bored tone, most likely watching tv, or reading.
? our kitties were about to do the nasty!!!?
? ..nnno?? and then there was a silence, they both assumed that she had showed the picture to her?. There was even more silence?.. and than?
? AND YOU STOPPED THEM!?? and then they heard a light thwack on the empty nazi?s crimson head.
? I had too! I didn?t know the flash was on!!!? they listened in astonishment? they expected the behavior from alex, but not ichigo! Did she actually like the thought of them together? It didn?t disgust them but.
? I feel betrayed?? nazzie said sarcastically.
? I have such a cool owner.? Armand said happily. And looked at nazie, who looked at him in surprise.
? uh..what??
? she took a picture of us didn?t she? Now we have something to remember my first human kiss by!?NEzzie stared at armand for a long time, and than he smiled, understanding a little bit about what he ment.
Six months have passed scince cedric?s experiment has become a success, and armand and nezzie were getting to like being human. They then realized that you only needed to remove the collar to turn back, but they never took them off? nezzie liked being human and armand just thought it went well with his favorite shirt. They were always together, and didn?t hide how much they liked each other? ichigo took a ton of pictures of them whenever she catcheds them cuddld up to each other on the couch, normally sleeping, (trust me, she has went through camera after camera,) and alex well took secret photos of armand and nezzie when they think they?re alone and?..(he he he?)
They did everything a normal couple would do, like go on dates! But they would normally meet in secret, so they didn?t get pictures taken from certain pelople like alex or kiken, or ichigo.. armand would always go to ichigo?s house in the late after noon from alex?s house, and nezzie would be a awake to greet him. they?d run around at night? But one day? armand didn?t come to ichigo?s house at dusk.
Nezzie got worried. Sure, it was only one day? maybe he was late? maybe?
The night went on and armand still did not show up. Nezzie walked down the stairs to the door, and grabbed the coat hanging on the coat rack.
? Oh? Where do you think you?re going?? ichigo said.
? Outside, I?m gonna look for armand.? And without sparing any conversation, walked out into the cold January air.
HE walked down the road that led in the direction of alex?s house, walking rather fast and running out of breath doing so. He looked all over as he walked, scanning ever inch of the road?
And than he saw him.
He stopped when he came across a long-haired boy on the side of the road. His hair sticky with blood, his lips purple, blood down the side of his face and mouth,
But he was still conscious? and breathing. His breathing was shallow?
Small tears of sadness, grief and fear pricked at nezzie?s eyes, a tear streaked down his face when he saw the boy look up to him the lively yellow eyes that once looked at him with such warmth and life, now half-lidded, dark, faded yellow orbs that belonged to a dying boy?
Nezzie put his coat around the boy and held him tightly. He couldn?t do anything else besides hold him. He was going to die soon, either from hypothermia, or internal injuries. He was hit by a car, and nezzie discovered that right a way. Armand weak and dying, weakly put a hand against the other man?s face, getting blood on his face. Nezzie didn?t notice the handprint of blood on his face, either ofr he didn?t mind.
? I?m sorry I couldn?t come today?I kinda got tied up?.? He gave him a weak smile, before going completely limp.
? Armand??
No answer. Nezzie put an ear to armands chest, the slow beat of his heart beat itself into a dull hum that slowly faded away. Nezzie held his lover close to him, sitting in silence, no noises emitting from any of the horizons surrounding them. And, after realizing everything that just happened, after he realized that armand really was gone,his eyes welled up with tears
And he buried his head into armand?s frilly shirt and started to cry uncontrollably, getting both armands silk shirt and his black sweater and pants at least a little soaked.
Nezzie had his eyes buried deep in his coat that was wrapped around his deceased lover, he didn?t notice the headlights, or the honking of the horn, he was too drowned in the grief of armands death. A truck was coming at him full speed. The car blasted their horn again and this was enough to snap nezzie out of whatever he was in. he snapped his head up and looked back, blinded by the light that came towards him, before he knew it, it was already feet away from him.
KHHH! Chrash!
And than a thud?.
'It?s ok armand, you don?t have to be alone anymore..."
SO, what did you guys think?? I know it didn't end very good... but you see ....that's how my stories work. ask ichigo...i have to kill off EVERY CHARACTER I CREATE!!!
i killed little child hage, kiken, pocky, armand, nezzie, i tried killing off nami by:
Having nami kidnapped maimed, raped, killed, mutilated, raped (there's a reason i said raped twice.) and thrown in a dumpster ichigo and hage find him, ichigo cries, and hage finally realizes he was never ment to haave a son.... SO they have a nother one and i kill him too... ^^
alex whitticoax · Thu Nov 10, 2005 @ 08:31pm · 4 Comments |