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The Random Thoughts of Tsuki544
Just random things that will make you question my sanity and the fundamentals of society.
Lalalalalaaa! I have absolutely no idea what to journal about. So I am going to complain to nobody about the not-so-sucky life that I live. Yay. Oh, incase I haven't mentioned this before, anything I write in italics, is sarcasm. And I make important words bold and underline stressed words. Just so you aren't all like "Why did she randomly make yay in italics?" or "Why is the underlined?" or anything like that. I even write like that. Yeah, my friends are all confused whenever I show them something I wrote because the writing part of my brain uses sarcasm like it's going out of style. Yeah.
Oh. I looked up information on my zodiac sign and i am really happy. I am a lazy person who procrastinates alot (so bad that my friend is like me too . . . oops sweatdrop ), But I can get my work done fast and easily when I actually decide to do it. So that's a plus. The due date just doesn't sink into my brain until like two days before it's due though . . . guess i'll have to work on that . . . maybe later.
I will write about my weirdness more some other day when I am not sick and will not get in trouble if I am found using the computer. That's a rule. When I am so sick that I can't do anything in the outside world, I can't go on my computer . . . but I am taking it as more of a suggestion than a rule. xd
Ack! I have been found out! Got to go! Bye!
ninja pwn pirate