Twenty-Second Rule- Nicknames,Deviations and Astrology. . . |
Nickames Lots of people have nicknames! I have a couple meself, and for fun, am going to post them! Mostly to see how many I really have, cuz I might've forgotten! 1.Ty (My orginal one) 2.Ty-chii (What Ki calls me, and Mo too.) 3.Rip Van Winkle, Rip for short (From Hellsing, quick story: Mo had a Halloween party, she dressed up as Matt and me as Mikami. The glasses weren't the "emo kid" kind like Mikami has, just normal round ones. Zorin came to the party and couldn't figure out who I was. She said I looked like Rip, so now that's my name! Zorin calls Me Rip, Moni Schrodinger, Sam Cpt.Hans, and some girl at school, I forgot her name, Seras Victoria, Seras for short. It's the whole gang, yay!) 4.Reesa, or Reese (My mom gave it to me) Oh, I guess that's all. Yup, added a little story there! Deviations I made my first deviation on dA last night! It was about 1:30 I think? It's a poem, big shock to me, and I was listening to Project 9-6-1 over my computer. Computer-radio action! Anyway it's on dA now. I'm thinking about doing another deviation. You know, one with chapters? I'll see how it goes! Astrology In the Gaia announcement, there was a Gaia Astrology thing. I went to the thread and found my astrology for 3 of my accounts, the only 3 I have. TyNinjaElite's was:
 Ty Gwynnia's was:
 And Kaizen Kougami's was:
 I'm kind of happy with these results, paticulary Kaizen's astrological sign! Yup! Just a little tidbit again! Oh! I'm also keeping a dream journal now in one of my notebooks. Nothing much though. Last year, in December, I had 1 dream with Kaizen in it and a couple months earlier I had one before. I'll get more into it in the next entry I make! --Ty
Ty Gwynnia · Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 04:53am · 0 Comments |