Crying to the nothingness of the night Wishing for everything to be alright Hold it in, keep everything locked up tight My eyes fell up with tears everything is out of sight
How long will it take to get better? I keep hoping that maybe one day I’ll receive a letter Telling me everything will get better
I keep walking along Singing the same old sad song Still wonder what is wrong Maybe one day I can say that I can carry on
Like I’ve said before The sky is still crying And will continue forever more
I am still crying And I hate myself for it What do I have to cry about? My life you could say is perfect
I dress in dark close Don’t smile and nobody knows Why I’m so depressed When I look in the mirror all I see is a mess
Feel so bad all of the time Want to smile is that really such a crime?
I want to smile just like I did back then But how much would it take to get to that again? How much would I have to forget? How many times do I have to say that I feel hallow Until someone gets that I’m not okay?
How long has it been? That I’ve said that I feel happy And feel sad at the same time?
How long will it take? How long? What will it take to feel happy again? What will it take? Really?
Will I always be used? Through all of my life will I always be used? No matter what I do?
Will this be what I’ll be like for rest of my life? Or what?
Can’t anyone hear me when I cry? Does anyone even care? Do you care about me? Am I always going to die like this?
Can I really be fixed? Can someone really pick up my broken piece’s Just someone, anyone tell me this
“Will. . . I-I ever be fixed. . .?”
Silent Vampyre · Sat Dec 06, 2008 @ 09:28pm · 1 Comments |