Geeze I cant think of much to say. Hmm (thinks) Didnt do much yesturday. I was bored outta my mind at church yesturday. I was soo glad to get home. I was quite relieved to hear that someone I know is in fact alive and a suicide attempt had failed. That situation is really fuzzy and also none of my buisness to begin with so I'll stay out of it. 3nodding Amber reminded me how fun it used to be making a page on myspace, so I completly redid my page. If you wanna check it out, go to: to see it. Anyways, how have you all been? (Who am I asking that confused ) I'm looking forward to seeing my babi Vicki tomorrow. She's really a great person. Even though she likes to rant sometimes, she's generally positive about everything. She has a very optimistic way of looking at life and that's one of the many things I like about her. There isnt a day that goes by that we dont have a fun conversation on the phone, weather(sp?) it be along with Amber and Ebony or just one of the two, we find things to talk about to get our minds off of the general negativity of life. I'm soo lucky to have found a girl like Victoria. I mean she's like the total package: she's obviously smart, going to a school like the one she goes to. She's funny as hell sometimes with her crazy a** songs and statements. No matter what she thinks, I think she's in a league of her own in the beauty department. 4laugh She makes me (a person that usually keeps a straight face) smile with a doofy a** grin of happiness. The things that we have in common are just straight creepy. eek Well anyway with all those good qualities, who wouldnt want a girl like that? Who? Ok, with all that said, I have another important matter to talk to you all about..... no wait, I dont. Ok then bye. Love you Vicki heart Oh, and you too Amber and Ebony. (even with the daily insults) 3nodding
 Coolest pic of Orochimaru ever! I AM OROCHIMARU! twisted
Crimzen Regret · Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 07:24pm · 7 Comments |