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"yes! I have a new boyfriend!!" I was so happy about Ryu and me....Then i became a vampire Princess, The hungriest vamp princess ever..... We were madly in love then i txt him sayin, "hey babe, meet me at hollywood plez" Whilst i was at hollywood i had a chickie hood on covering my face so he would not see me. He said, "baby, let me see ur beatiful face" I said no.We talked for ages and i forget the time. I looked at my phone to see the time and it was 11.56 pm. Oh crap, the time!! Its allmost 12 and there is a full moon...... Its now 12 i ran and ran to save his precias life he followed me and he shouted, "WAIT FOR ME!!" He caught up with me and i turned around and screamed RUN BEFORE I SUCK U 2 DEATH!! He was 2 late and i killed him......