Last time, at Southington!
The morning practice went fairly well.
The performance, well, not as much.
We couldn't stay for the awards, but we soon learned that we ended up with third place in our division and no caption awards. But we DID all go up about three points from last time. 79.95. Our goal was to get a score in the 80s, and I personally take the blame. It was my worst performance this year.
I dropped all of my tosses except for the very first and very last ones. And most of those tosses were ones that I had never dropped before. And I ended up dropping a ballad flag/hand flag that is never tossed. How I managed to do that, I have no clue.
So the judges docked some points because of that stuff.
But everyone else seemed to do fairly well, and we had improved at practice.
And at last minute, the BD said that she didn't care how we placed as long as we had fun, and that our main goal was to improve and to get butts out of seats.
Technically, we did.
My friend Emily, a clarinet player, told me that she saw two people from the audience stand up and a little kid dancing around while we were performing.
So this weekend, we have Champs. My first Champs, since last year we only had a fourth competition, a tiny one, that got rained out.
Unfortunately, we only have two days dedicated to band, since the class days happen to fall on practice days. But that's good in a sense, because the class time tomorrow is going to be dedicated to sectionals and working on basics and stuff.
Yesterday, at practice, we worked our asses off, cleaning and practicing. I ignored a sharp pain in my head from my flag hitting me from a toss into the win for the sake of marching and cleaning. When I fell on my butt during the last movement, just barely managing to catch my toss, I just got up and kept doing the work as I went to my next set. (Good thing I didn't have to go far, or else I'd have been screwed.)
Tomorrow is the last band practice before our last competition day. Then afterwards, we just have football games and a parade, so practicing our show won't be as strict and hard.
Goals for Champs: First in our division, getting butts out of seats, and making everyone say, "Yup, that's ELVB for you; always amazing."
Because we are.
This is Horse lady, signing out.
Katie Sea Community Member |