My Way, My Life
Part 1
~Dream~ “It’s time for you to realize who you really are” a strange voice said. You see a castle being attacked by strange looking demons and people running from the flames and screaming from the demons that are destroying the kingdom. Then the scene changes to a garden where a little girl and her mom are running a way from the castle. “Mommy I’m tired” the little girl says “I know honey but we must hurry before it is too late. You have to get out of this place before they take you away.” she says “but I want to stay with you and Daddy.” The little girl cries “I know but you must survive my darling you’re the hope of our Kingdom so you must survive” the mother said scarring the little girl. “Hand over the child and we’ll leave your kingdom” says a man with short blonde hair and blazing red eyes “I’ll will never hand you our hope or my daughter!” the mother yells “Have your way my dear queen” he says. Then he blasted her with a big ball of fire “MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!” ~End Dream~you wake up in a cold sweat and you swear you could see your breath because you were breathing so hard from the dream. You headed to the bathroom and splashed some cold water in your face. As you look in the mirror, you notice that your short golden brown hair and deep purple eyes look a lot like the queens in your dream. “Hey Taeya!” a guy yell “Yeah” you reply “Are you alright, I thought you had some sort of problem.” he said “I’m fine, just had a very disturbing dream, that’s all!’ you yell to him “Well you better get some rest, tomorrow’s the first day of summer vacation and we’re are going to the beach” he said “I’ll make sure I get some sleep Mace!” you yell. You went back to bed and fell straight to sleep. ~3 hrs later~ “Hey Taeya wake up already!” Mace yells as he shakes you. You open your eyes and are startled by his face so closed to yours “Jeeze, I don’t need to see your ugly mug in my face every morning this summer do I?” you say “Sorry I just tiring to wake you up” Mace says. Mace left so you could get ready for the beach. You put on your Red swim suit with two blue dolphins on it and grab your other stuff you thought you would need for the beach. You hop in the car and waited for Mace to hurry up. “Can you be any slower!” you yell “Sorry, I couldn’t find my knife” he said. “Why would you bring a knife to the beach?” you ask “Tell me why you’re bringing your elbow blades to the beach with you?” he sarcastically asks. “Um” is all you say “That’s what I thought” you turned on the car a pressed the gas and then slammed the breaks so Mace went forwards “Ouch!!!!! Thanks for the bruise” he compliments. As you get to the beach, you see that you two are the first ones there so you grab the best parking spot and the best spot on the beach. You lay your towel on the sand and you put on your sun screen. As you head out to the water, you notice that other people are coming. “Oh great” you say as you see your two cousin’s heading towards the beach. “Hey cus” says Kuwabara “Hey” you reply “What’s with the attitude?” he asks “Nothing, except the fact that I’m stuck with you for the rest of my life” you retort “I know how you feel” Shizuru says patting you on the back. You and Shizuru ended up soaking up the sun as Mace and Kuwabara tried to empress all the ladies at the beach. At the end of the day you and Mace went to finish up packing everything and moved it to your cousin’s house. “It’s nice to have another man in this house but we’re still over run by women” Mace said. “You better watch yourself Mace or you’ll end up the man sleeping on the floor in this house.” you say as you smack the back side of his head. “Well I’m off for a bit” you say as you grabbed your bag with your weapons and other stuff in it. “Okay just be back at 11” Shizuru says. You nod and head out the door. You walked to the forest that was just outside of town. “Now what is my new mission?” you say to yourself as you pull out your lap top. You pop up your e-mail to see a new message from someone name Baby-face. It said “I need you to look around the forest you are in and find a demon that looks like this” attached to the message was a picture of what looked like a crossed between a snake and a human, the message continued “This demon has captured my best people and I need you to help them out a little, and when you complete this mission, I’ll will let you meet me in person”. You typed a message back to Baby-face saying “consider it done”. You turned off your lap top and headed further into the forest. As you got in deeper, you put on your mask and put your semi-long hair up. Pretty soon you could smell something foul and some what making you want to throw up. But you kept on going. Soon you saw what look like the demons lair. Inside the lair you could hear voices. “You sick little snake” you hear [That voice, it’s Kuwabara] you thought as you hurried through. Soon enough you saw him and three other boys. One with too much gel in his hair, and red head that at first glance looked like a girl and a guy with spiky hair. “Faccccccccccccce it. You are done for SSSSSSSSSSSSSpirit Detective” said the snake demon as he got closer to your cousin. You grabbed a knife that you had strapped to your leg and threw it at the snake demon. “I ssssssssssssee Koenma hassssssssssssss ssssssssssssssent ssssssssssomeone to resssscue you.” he said. You dropped your bag and ran towards the demon a kick him across the face. “This stinks, Koenma thinks we need rescuing” said the one with too much gel in his hair “You should be counting you blessing Uremeshi” Kuwabara said. You turn around an punched the shackles that they were in. “Thanks for the rescue” said the red head. You put your hand on his cheek were there was a deep cut. “It’s just a scratch” he said, then your hand started to glow a light purple color. You removed your hand and the cut was gone. Then suddenly you felt something wrap around your waste, you look down to see the snake demon’s tail wrapped around you. “Now I got you” he said as he pulled you towards him. He opened his mouth wide just for you. As he moved closer to him, you grabbed your knife that was stuck in the wall and threw it in his mouth. It went right through him. “You b***h” he said and threw you towards the wall. With no time to stop yourself, you prepare to hit the wall by doing a simple shoulder block that you learned. But the impact didn’t come. You look up to see the spiky hair guy holding you. “Baka” he said. [Jeeze, what a nice guy] you thought. He put you done and charged at the demon with the others, but where pushed back by his poisonous breath attack. Good thing for you, you were wearing your mask. So you rushed to your bag an grabbed your elbow blades that look like a two crescent moons. Then you dashed towards the demon. The guys watched in shock as you sliced the demon down to size an the poisonous gas started to disappear. “That was great” Kuwabara said. “Indeed Kuwabara, he is as what Koenma has told us.” said the red head. “Well should we take him to see Baby face, Kurama.” Said gel boy. “Agreed” Kurama said. You walked to your bag and started to walk out the lair. “Hey get back here!” Kuwabara yelled. You turned around and stared him down. “You are an idiot cus, if you can’t tell its me.” you say taking off your mask. Your cousin look at you in shock “What the hell, I was saved by a girl, let alone my stupid cousin!” he screamed “Who you calling stupid, I’m the one who is way more fashionable and talented than you a*****e.” you say. “You gotta be joking Kuwabara. This can’t possibly be the person that Koenma could be talking about.” said gel boy. “Before we continue this lovely conversation, my name is Taeya Kamala.” you say. “Well my name Yusuke Uremeshi, this here is Kurama, and this is Hiei.” Yusuke says pointing to them. “Well at least they are smarter than Kuwabara and nice to meet you.” you say. “Do you ever say anything nice about me?” Kuwabara yells “Let me think…….. sometimes” you reply “I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation but I really want to meet this guy called Koenma” you say. “Well then let’s go.” Yusuke says. Then just behind him a portal open ups and they start walking through. You followed them through the portal and at the other end was a big room with a desk with piles of paper and a baby stamping them all one by one. “Nice work guys and Taeya. I’m impressed by your skills that I have decided that you should be apart of the team.” he said “So you were Baby-face the whole time. Who would have guessed the ruler of spirit world was the one giving me these missions.” You say “So you knew who I was the whole time?” he asked “Yeah, but it wasn’t very entertaining to call Koenma online, so I deicide to go with your online name to be safe.” you say “Well that’s enough of this talking, as you can see I got lots of paper work and you need to get back to your cousin’s house before your in trouble, so I will see you tomorrow.” he said “See ya” you reply. Then you opened up your own portal back to the human world. You step back into the portal and emerged in the park. You rather walk home then open up a portal to the front door because you enjoy walking around. As you walked back home, you stopped and bought yourself a TV for your room and a couple of videos to watch when you got it set up. “I’m home” you say as you open the door. “Well welcome back small fry.” Shizuru says. You stopped and looked in the living room to see the guys all having fun playing cards except Hiei who was looking out the window. “Well hey there cus.” Kuwabara says. “Come join us Taeya.” Mace says. You just continued walking to your room and shut the door as soon as you got there. You unpacked your stuff and plugged up your TV. “Good night!” you yell ~Mace’s POV~ “Jeeze, she already going to bed, its only 11:30.” Yusuke says “She probably tired from the day she had.” you say “4 Queens” Kuwabara said “BS” you say Kuwabara flipped his four cards over and they were all queens. “Now I’m out of cards, so I guess I win.” he says “I think its time to pull off that trick sis.” Kuwabara said “Yah think.” Shizuru reply. Kuwabara and Shizuru started to move some boxes out of the way and grabbed some hair dye and scissors. You watch as they went into Taeya’s room started to cut her hair and dye it back to her original color. “You guys are going to be dead in the morning you know that?” you say “Yah we know but we rather have her hair her natural color then the fake one.” Shizuru said “Her natural hair color is PINK!” Yusuke said “Yeah, but she doesn’t like it for some reason.” You tell them ~End Mace’s POV~ ~Dream~ you are floating in the middle of what seems like a lake but it’s not blue, its black and it seems to be moving as if it were alive. “Wake up young one.” You hear. “Who is it? Who are you?” you yell “That is not important. What’s important is that you must wake up the rest of your energy before it is to late.” the voice says. Then suddenly the dark thing turns into the castle that you saw in the other dream but it wasn’t on fire. “What the hell is going on.” You say “This is your home back in the demon world.” the voice says “my home?” you say. You watch as you saw a little girl smiling and running from some maids that had some dresses in their hands. “Please my lady!” said one of the maids “No. I’m happy dressed as a guy. I’m Daddy’s little tom boy” the little girl says. The little girl continues running through the many halls of the castle. As she is running, she bumps into Koenma. “Well hey there little princess.” He says “Hey baby-face, do you have any candyyyyy?” said the little girl “Why yes I do” he said as he handed her some candy “Thank you” she said and runs off. The scene changes to her in the garden playing in the flowers. “Mommy, Daddy hurry up!” she yells “Don’t be in such a rush dear” said the queen “If you hurry through everything, you’ll miss the important thing that could help you through life.” said the king. “That girl…she looks like me….my hair was pink till I dyed it and it was long.” You said “That is you” said the voice “But how can it be, my parents died in a fire when I was two, it can’t be me, I never been so happy.” You say “You were at one time till that dreadful day came and it was decided to erase your memories till the time was right to tell you.” the voice said “If you want to know more, Koenma will tell you what you want to know.” ~end dream~ you wake up with the alarm going off. It was only 4 in the morning and you still were tired but you got up any way. You walked to the bathroom, washed your faced, and when you removed the towel from your face you screamed. “KUWABARA, SHIZURU YOU BETTER START MAKING YOUR WILL!!!!!!!!” you ran out of the bathroom with a knife that you always kept under your pillow just to be safe. You stumped off to there rooms ready to kill them, not literally but just to scare them. As you walked by the living room, you saw them lying on the floor asleep. [Now it’s time for pay back] you thought. You ran into the kitchen and grabbed a can of whip cream, and two cups filled with hot water. Kuwabara and Shizuru’s hands with whip cream, then tickled their noses with a feather. They moved their hands across their face and now they hand whip cream on their face. After the little chuckle, you put the tips of their fingers in the cup of hot water. [Now this will be good. They will have wet pants and cream cover faces. That’s the perfect revenge.] you thought. You headed back to bed and didn’t wake up till you heard them both scream and the others laughing their heads off till they couldn’t breathe any more except Hiei. You walked sleepily to the living room just to see their face. “TAEYA YOUR DEAD” they both say in unison. “Serves you right” you reply heading to the kitchen. You poured yourself a bowl of cereal and headed back to your room. “Now what should I wear?” you said to yourself as you go through your closet throwing shirts and pants on the floor. Then it hit you, you decided to wear those dark blue cargo pants and the light purple tank top that you got from Mace for your birthday. He only gave it to you because he was trying to get you mad at him and he was being perverted. You didn’t think it would be wise to go out the front door, so you decided to jump out the window. You walked to the beach and soaked of the sun with a good book and music and you watched all the people run around having fun. “Now this is what I call fun. Sitting reading a book and listening to music at the beach.” you said. You look over to see the guys running around looking for you. [Time to leave] you thought. You got up and started to walk towards the guys as you did they looked right at you but didn’t notice you so you kept walking with a smile on your face. “Jeeze they call themselves detectives” you say as you walk onto the dock. You saw Mace there looking around for you. “Hey” you say. “Where did you go?” he asked. “um” you say. You walked past him and jump on his boat and turned it on. “You coming” you say. “Hell no.” he replied. As you started to back up the boat Mace jumped on just as you started to go forwards, then the guys were all running to you yelling for you to wait but you kept on going. “Taeya what the hell to you think your going!” Mace yelled. “Were do you think?” you say “Well I guess I can’t stop you now can I?” he replied. Then he took the wheel and drove away from the docks. As you sat an looked a out at the sea, you were thinking about your dream that you had and that Koenma knows something that you know he won’t tell you for some reason. “What is being hidden from me” you say to yourself. An hour passes and a island is in sight. You being lost in thought didn’t realize that the boat stopped moving before you reached the island. “Taeya get your head out of your a**” Mace said. You look up to see Mace pointing to something in the water. You walk to the front of the boat and saw pieces of a huge ship and people in life vest and rafts. “What the hell happen?” he said “I don’t know but those people are in trouble” you say. Mace and you jump in and bring the people in the water to the island and call for help. “Mace something isn’t right” you say as you get the last person on the beach. “What do you mean?” he asked. “They live without souls” you say. Just then they all attack you and Mace. “Maybe we should of left them in the water” he said. “Then someone else would have been in trouble and probably dead too” you say. “We can’t hurt them, they’re innocent people” he said “They are not. They are just mindless spirits with physical bodies” you say as you throw one off of you. “Then that case I won’t hold back!” he yelled cutting one to shreds. Then all of a sudden you feel a huge amount of energy coming from behind. You turn around to see Yusuke and the others jumping through a portal. “Great timing” Mace said. “Indeed we could use some talented adversaries and an idiot.” you say. “What did you say b***h!” Kuwabara yelled. You didn’t respond so he went crazy and ran through many of the soulless bodies. “Ease your mind you idiot or you’ll get yourself killed” you say running towards Mace with a spirit energy ball. You threw the ball at all the soulless bodies and they all disappeared. “Well, I wasn’t counting on having any training today but it was good anyways, right Taeya.” Mace said. “um” you shake your head. You turn around to see your cousin all beat up and Yusuke making fun of him because you made him look like a dork. “I change that one statement. Its two talented adversaries, a idiot, and a dumbass.” you say loud enough so Yusuke could hear. “You now Taeya, you act like Hiei but your attitude is much ruder.” he said “Well she says the same to you Yusuke.” Mace replied. You walked off letting the two argue for awhile thinking it would give you time to visit your mother and fathers grave in peace without any interruptions. You stand there looking at their graves. “So you died to save me, but not just me but the kingdom didn’t you mom and dad but you didn’t think it would be this so soon.” you say as you continued to look at the stones. “I wish I could remember why you died, but I will do what ever it takes to remember now and even harder to keep your hope alive.” you say. You head back home but you went through the park because it was more peaceful then walking on the sidewalk where all the people and cars are. You prefer a small town then a city. On the way back you notice a little girl be pushed on the swings by her father. “Higher daddy, higher” she said. Her father just smile and pushed her even more. You look away and continue walking. Soon you could see your new home and Kuwabara running around looking for you, and Mace. [Mace must of went to see his grandma at the hospital] you thought. “Hey idiot” you say coming right behind him. “aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!” Kuwabara said as he fell over. “Don’t hurt me” he said “I should for what you and your sister did to my hair but I won’t. Instead you’ll treat me to a triple scoop of Strawberry Cheese Cake ice cream, and your slate will be clean.” you say.
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