Part 2 Yay! I think Anyway.
April 20, 1851 Diary, Daddy say's I have a Cholera. Only because I span alot of the day feeling sick. I keep throwing up." I am so so ill. But I don't want to believe it"says daddy. But I don't think I have cholera because I no longer feel ill. It is quite strange. On top I of that I only lose liquids one way.
April 22, 1851 Dear Diary,
It is another sad day. Another item had to throw out it was a table. A large large table. It was hand carved. It did not belong to me but it was so wonderful. I can see it in a distance. On the bright side. I am gay today. So so very happy. That terrible sickness has one. I am no longer throwing up. I am happy about it. I get to live longer well a leat long enough to be sad agian in a odd way. That makes me happy.
April 25, 1851 Dear Diary,
Today was scary Native americans attacked. Daddy said we did't have worry about because it was rare. I am crying and wondering why me. I prayed the prayer the other Native American taught me. But we barely exsaped.
June 25, 1851 Dear Diary,
Wow it has been a long long time sense I have written in here. I am so happy. My birthday is tomorrow.I will be 14 years old. A young adult All mature and what not.
June 26, 1851 Dear Diary, This is not going to be a very long entry. It is going to be quite simple.This is why. It's my birthday, It's my birthday. See short entry. bye.
August 6, 1851 Dear Diary,
Once again it has been a long long time. I am so so happy I am going to have a baby I hold pride that I can bring another child into this world I am over joyed. It is only nine long painful mounths until I have a ball of joy. She is going to be a little angel. I am going to love her until they day I die. I have one fear one and one sadness one worry one regret one thing is pokeing at me I have been pregnant 4 1/2 month.s when I have this baby will it be ok and will I. I could die from it. It wworries me to know end. But I am still over joyed to have the baby of Timotty L. Jackson. he is so wonderful. I know he will never leave me.
August 7, 1851 Dear Diary,
Fianally we have arrived on the trail. I have had Martha G. Jackson I have Cholera. NNow I really really don't think I am getting out of it. I have no choose out to leave martha and Tim notthing to worry about. He is constantly telling me he loves me. I tell him I want him to get married by happy and I love him to. I see tim is starting to cry I am to the point ther is no reason to cry I need th try to save the fluids. I know it is my time. I am giving you to tim. He will take care of you. You will provide memmories for him. This may be the only thing Martha has to remeber me by. I love you Martha and Tim. this is my finally entry. I am going to day Good Bye.
If any1 made it 2 the end this is something I made in skool I know I made mistakes if u r like me and need a life really really badly u can take ur sweet time in correct it. This got me some gold so I'm happy and my dad wants me 2 write every day.
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