I have to leave today and i am saying farwell to my friends. For now we are parting our diffirent ways. I am now beginning a long hard journey. It is a very sad, day for me.
April 6, 1851 Dear Diary,
I did not tell to where we are traveling to. We are going to travel on the horrid oregon trail.
April 13, 1851 Dear Diary,
I am so sad Our houses have gotten mighty skinny. They are getting sick to. The water holes are filtly people are useing them as bathrooms and drinking out of the same water.It is so nousiating. So because of the the sickly animals also using the bathroom, cleaning themselves, and drinking out of it. We had to throw out my most prized position. My grandmother clock that was giving to me long ago. As I hold a picture of the picture of the one who gave it to me and weep. I can only write and think of that clock. For now the person who gave it to me has died. As I weep and sob and don't know wat to do. I have a horrid feeling.
April 14, 1851 Dear Diary,
Today we met some interesting people along the way. They were Native Amarican Christians.
April 16, 1851 Dear Diary,
There are more interesting people on this trail maybe it is not that bad. Because I learned something new. It is called a prayer it is so cool and neat. But it is terribly hard to learn but I wil get it soon. The prayer is called Glory be. It is not long at all I just can't rember all the words. I will have it by tomorrow I know I will.
April 17, 1851 Dear Diary, I learned it I learned it. I am so happy! Here it is my dairy. Glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy sprit as it was in the beginning as now ever shall be world without end. Amen. yay I did it! I did it! That rules the only thing is I don't feel very well. Really I feel quite sickly. Momma say's it is nothing. But Daddy is worried because their is no doctor's on the trail.
To be contuied u probly have not gotton this far so I am just going to write the rest later.
smile smile XP wink wink