There was once a time when my life meant nothing. I had nothing to live for and no one to love. I was an empty void of chaotic emotions and misshaped ideas. Every night I would sleep and I would dream. I would dream of a better future, one filled with happiness and I would cherish the life I was living.... then I would wake. Wake to a world of darkness where I had nothing. Then Jessica came along. She lit the darkness. She thawed my frozen heart, then took it to keep. She showed me love and brought my dreams to life. I am living my dreams and I couldn't be happier. Thank you Jessica! You have filled my void. You have given purpouse to my life. Emptiness is but a memory as long I can see the future I have no worries. Love has given me wings and I must fly to the heavens and beyond.
Nyan Koi · Sun Jun 08, 2008 @ 10:46pm · 1 Comments |