You know what I think I lost a great friend. More than a friend even 'cuz of something offensive I said this time. It's horrible, and I don't know how to apologize for saying something like that! I think it's Richard. I'm completely smitten with Richard. He's charming he's smart, and he's everything I like in a person. He's random but not random to the point where I'm wondering when he'll stop. And he's romantic, having inherited it from his father. The first time we met something clicked and the guilt set in. For I was thought I had betrayed my SF (Special Friend) and I wanted to take back the fact that I ever met Richard. But Richard charm drew me back, and I couldn't leave him, at the moment he needed a friend, he has never been hugged by his parents being one of those rich kids who gets ignored, and no one likes him because of who he is. He feels I'm the only one that understands him, I dont want to lose that trust! I don't want him to think I've abandoned him, I'm caught in the middle and the guilt is rising to the top of my head, sooner or later I'm going to keel over, and never get to see Niagara Falls with Richard or my SF. What's worse York. Help me.....please do.
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