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View User's Journal

ok well... if you have read my profile you know that i like to write so this is pretty much whats going in here... that which i wrote or am in the process of writing... preferrably poetry^^
blaugh ok so this is my firstest entry 4laugh i wrote this poem about my best friend heart


Down along Fairfield Avenue,
Along the right hand side (depending on which way you come)
Is a pale yellow house
Hiding a family of five and a golden dog.
Beyond the paneled and bricked over exterior
The seemingly kind people of this home
Throw grenades and fire guns
Beneath the barrier of wood and carpet
Surround the sound of battle above
She sits on her bed and tries to buffer the sound with her music
The gunfire rises above the screaming guitars
The explosions ring in her ears
The space between the battle and her sanctuary
The only listed no man’s land.
She simply comes out for a few minutes at a time
And all targets and scopes are fixed on her.
She is cast out from these people
Singled out, attacked.
All is her fault, and all that brings peace
Is her brother and best friend.
They calm the soldiers down,
They take away the weaponry.
The armistice stands for perhaps a few hours,
But she lives to fight another day.