 Ahhhh... time for a long-delayed update to this little journal of mine.
So first, in response to all those people who responded to my last entry, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Knowing that I'm at least making some sort of dent to help Gaia is really keeping me going.
Now, time for a quick little update on my activities over the last week or so.
So the weekend, I went down to Southern Oregon with my friend so that we could go river rafting down the Rogue River. In a span of two days, we rafted over 10 miles down the Rogue, so needless to day, I'm tired. XO My arms were so sore I could barely work on the Grunny purses my friend and I were making. So much fun though. ^^
But after that... came home and found the reports more backed up than ever. =/ So doing my part, I've been working the report queue nonstop from about... well, whenever I wake up to whenever I go to sleep, only stopping to eat and play some World of Warcraft before getting back to it.
Just FYI, I'm on the Uther and Suramar servers. Uther, I'm an undead Mage. Suramar, I'm a troll Shaman.
Either way, I've found my days to mostly go like that. Mod, eat, mod, eat, mod, WoW, mod until I can barely stay awake any longer, sleep. Repeat.
I know I should take some time off, but I've been doing that over the past weekends, and I really feel bad about taking so much time off. =/

And now the queue calls. Hi ho, hi ho, back into the queue I go.
Aquafire · Thu Jul 14, 2005 @ 04:55am · 12 Comments |