so heres my fanime cosplay I'm going as a gaian as you can see

so i need a wig a purple wig to match my avi's hair! biggrin its easy to get wigs online! but i needed the right one! my 1st thought Monoko..or w/e her name is lets just call her Chef from ghost in the shell her hair is perfect! but the wig made just like her hair $40 some bucks! Dx i said nooo i found one that is just what i need i can get it cheaper all i have to do is cut the back :3

 as you can see the back is not cut like my avi's hair :3
next up is the Seal Slippers! you didn't think i was going to make them by hand did you?! heck no biggrin how do these look?
 i like them and i think they will work great its better then me and my boyfriends idea of ripping open seal stuff animals <.<;;
now i need the AFK hat :3 link below is the gaia AFK hat it's cheaper then the person i bought my boyfriends OMFG hat off of AFK hat so i'm going for the cheaper one
the Staff so far will be made by my boyfriend hes crafty he's gonna use some pipe xD the Bani clips will be made by him as well not sure what hes gonna do
the T-shirt i have to get a big big one then get the Gaia name on it i do not know how much it will cost me i'll shop around :3
next up is the Kiki now if you have bought the kiki from gaia shop you would know...its not the gaia kiki it's some little dinky tiny one my bf gave me one as a gift <.< its little way to little I want to get it made by my mom's best friend shes good at making things if i can't get the size kiki i want i wont take one! Dx
the last item the stockings i have not clue yet for them i'm pretty sure i can find some i hope so when i make my next update i'll tell you how it faired
biggrin so tell me what you think?
Millie990 · Fri Feb 01, 2008 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |