hi hi hi ppl ppl ppl!!!!!2day was kinda fun. we had a swimming lesson. the lesson was about saving ppl that r drowning. but in one of the exercises, i had 2 hold hands with johnny. EW!!! gonk this is wat happened. someone had 2 be a victim and tread in the water pretending 2 drown. the other person holds a towel & tries 2 save the drowning person by making sure they grabbed the towel and pull them outta the pool. another person had 2 grab the person who has the towel's wrist or arm 2 make sure that person doesnt drown with the victim. i was the person holding the towel & stupid johnny had 2 grab my wrist. BUT INSTEAD HE GRABBED MY HAND. & I WAS LIKE "HEY STUPID!!! UR SUPPOSE 2 GRAB MY WRIST NOT MY HAND!!!!" scream oh and 2 anyone who read this, u got chills. actually johnny chills. pass it down. in my skool we do chills all the time. when someone touch something gross, they touch someone else and pass the chills. & the only way 4 u 2 not get chills is if ur crossing ur finger. i touched johnny. that was gross so *poke* u got chills! unless ur crossing ur finger, but hey i warned ya didnt i cool
speaking of my skool, these r reasons why i hate it.... 1) it's 2 small (we use another skool's swimming pool) 2) ther r bugs evrywhere!! yuk gonk 3) it has 3 floors & no elevator. (another skool only has 2 floors & they have one) 4) they dont have any lockers 5) the gym is only a quarter size of a full basketball court. 6) the lunch room is 2 small 7) the food sucks!! so i dont eat it so i have 2 deal with starvation everyday!!! 8 boys r not cute there 9) they dont have a music room. so i practice in the basement in the skool 10) teachers scream a lot 11 and the most disturbing reason) it's an elementary skool!!!!!!! screamevil (im in 6th grade. im suppose 2 be in middle skool. but 4 some reason 6th grade is in elementary skool!!!!!)
by the way if u got chills, ur suppose 2 pass them 2 someone else blaugh
wow JONNY he sounds pretty gross and our school is big new and has an elevator (im in 7th grade) and if i went to ur school i would be the hottest boy there CHYA biggrinbiggrinblaughwinkwink