I've decided to quest the outfit designed by Art.
Thus, I have a goal to stick to not so willy-nilly as I've been lately.
 Total Value: 200,652 Gold, 23,600 Tickets After Exclusions: 38,634 Gold, 0 Tickets [Item Information]Item List: * = Bought tonight Elven Ears*Lovely Genie White Bangled Bra*Blush Clown Makeup (high)*Gold Solar Flare Belly TattooPlumeria HeadpieceSolar Headdress*Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)*Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)Angelic MicrophoneFelicia's GlovesWinter Fox MinkWinter Rose*Gold Tribal Bottom TattooNoir Criss Cross Swim BottomGift of the Goddess*Elegant Antoinette Wig (Light Blue)*Lovely Genie White Headpiece
I hope to purchase the Angelic Microphone as well. Then I'll save for the Solar Headdress which is 50k+
2,181 tickets away from the Plumeria Headpiece!
Quel marth · Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 10:22am · 1 Comments |