these were drawn by me and colored by my friend G.reed....

 These are the halloween brothers, Gloom and Spook. They are the spirits of Halloween in my stories now... Gloom's color scheme is green and black. Spook's color scheme is orange and black.. I didn't color this though....^ ^
What the eat constantly {nothing else}: Halloween candy, pumplin pies, carmel apples, pumpkin seeds, candy apples, popcorn balls, and candy corn
What they drink constantly {nothing else} : hot apple cider, hot chocolate, Halloween based soda, and apple juice
Hobbies: scarying people, carving and growing pumpkins, making halloween decorations, watching horror films, telling scary stories...
Likes: Anything halloween
Dislikes: pumpkins smashers, bag snatchers, TPers, any other holiday, and non-scary costumes
Ages: unknown...
iDitchedYoshino · Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 07:40pm · 4 Comments |