First picture I ever drew of him... ^ ^ I luffs his eyes.. heart ....I don't know why I made him look all serious.... he doesn't usually act serious.... then again.. he doesn't usually joke around to much either... *shrugs*

I did this becuase I got extremely bored and plus I wanted to draw Shade as a chibi.... he ish soo cute!!!! heart I was a little shocked when I drew this outta boredom, because usuall the drawings that result from my boredom are really strange and scary..... but never cute..... like this.... ah well.... if anything, I should be happy.. and I am.. 3nodding OH.... ya see the picture where he's sticking his tongue out at ya..? ( in the bottom left hand corner).. Well the two dots on his tongue are actually two tongue piercings... ^ ^
iDitchedYoshino · Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 04:23am · 5 Comments |