YAY!!! Second week of term has been over and done with!!! Plus the Simpsons Movie came out yesterday, so a friend and I might go off to the movies and have ourselves a good old time watching the Simpsons Movie!!! And I have such little homework compared to the end of last week! Isn't it just wonderful????? I've also just finished reading the last book of the Harry Potter series!!! So if any of you people who are reading this, please pm me and we shall have such a great discussion!!! Plus, I like hearing peoples different opinions!!! Just relish the fact that there could be a better understanding of something! Our school now has this Parliament Assembly-thing. They got the idea from a Parliament club made by adults and now us highschoolers get the opportunity to be Mt Carmel's first school Prime Minister! Yay! not...*ahem* and now moving along, I will conclude the entry, because it has been a pretty eventless week... meh.