But when Gochii woke up the next morning, she found everything as far from normal as before as she woke up to the now accustom horid night mares, growing in both terror and detail. The only relif was a small one, instead of her usual eye color, or silver for that matter, she awoke to that of a sharp, and peircing green. But the small sighn of hope was instantly dashed as she began to exspeirice the vivid vissions (by now it was clear to her that these were of the past, something she must have seen with her very eyes.)
This time the faces of two kind faces swam into her vision. They must have been aurguing with someone else at the time as their faces were slightly turned away from her and were contorted in hystarical cryes of hatred. She was then pulled out from their arms and placed into a containment of sorts, along with other infants her own age. In her vision she saw her self no more than a mere ten inches, struggle to face the window where the kind couple who had been holding her earlier were viciously taken down and dragged out of sight. She could feel, rather than see her self screaming in remorse, not as much the wail of a greedy babby, as a high pitched squeal for help. With this the young woman's face reverbrated through her tiny head one last time before it's warmth was deminished for ever.
Snapping out of the trance, she found herself on the floor, distantly hearing the bleeting of the buss horn from outside her window. She made an effort to get up, she honestly did. But the buss pulled away too quickly for her too react any further. And with that she decided she would skipp the day, if only to recover slightly from her current situation. She figured she might as well attempt to figure out the reason for all these.... inconvinces.
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