• When I look at you I want to be there

    I want to see where you live and breath and sleep

    instead I'm stuck with pictures on a computer screen

    I know how you lean and I'm worried

    but it's okay cause I'm buried

    in work in school in books in fools

    but I hope that it's all cool

    between you and me

    between you and he

    and in the end I escape

    slip into the landscape

    hope you don't notice

    but my love is unfurling for you

    like you could say a lotus

    for rhymings sake of course

    but I won't force you to

    cause i know how fickle the heart is

    how love can trickle or drought

    with even the slightest confidence or doubt

    so I'll stop here

    before I wear your ear with all my incessant talking

    hopefully i don't leave you balking

    as I go off walking