• I feel like I'm LIVING
    my life is worthy of novels
    memories from these moments
    will find their way
    to the ears of my children.
    Happiness comes to me
    in waves from the radio,
    gusts of winds
    in the forests we traverse,
    kisses given at the edges
    of Earth,
    stares from strangers
    when your hand clutches mine.
    I feel like you have reborne me
    Whispered new life
    into my heart and veins.
    Art, music, adventure, life
    has never tasted sweeter
    I would give my world away
    for you to hold my hand in yours
    and kiss it, love me.
    The ride we're on
    is crazy, fast, reckless and
    simple moments in time
    are landmarks
    in my lovestruck brain
    I am led through
    the darkness by my
    one true love.