• They try to console me.
    They say its alright
    Its not real
    it wont give me a fright
    Time will tell
    The pain is so raw
    an ache that wont fade
    They say i look stronger
    They say i act better
    Thats funny because
    inside where its never quiet or peaceful
    Im screaming in a rage, in pain, in sorrow
    I want silence
    Sweet silence where i hear nothing not even my own thoughts
    where the outside cant touch me cant hurt me

    "Your anti-social."
    "Your the one grey spot in this room."
    "Your ruining the party."
    "You better not take that last bite, every calorie counts."
    "Why dont you talk to us?"
    "Why arent you conversing?"
    Your wong
    Your not right
    Why did you come
    You should have stayed home!
    You are a waste of space, money, and time.
    I know all this
    I know why I hate you
    I know your faults
    I know why you hate me
    I know that your pathetic
    You are wong
    You have no life
    You fell so horrid about youself
    you had to pick someone else to torture
    so you could feel better.
    ....Thanks for comeing to my birthday party.
    Me myself and I