• Black Rose Lullaby
    Sing me a lullaby of sweet kind bliss. Sing me a lullaby for just a moment like this. Oh how I feel like I have fallen down, please sing me a lullaby right now. Be it the lullaby for the fallen stars, who shined so bright, then hit death so hard. So sing me a lullaby, one to make me cry. I Want you to sing this lullaby because I feel as if I'm going to die. Sing me my last lullaby if I do die. Please let it have a soft tune so I have reason to close my eyes. I think of my life as a black rose, so misunderstood, and black as my story would show. Can you sing me a lullaby that will make it essayer for me to end my life? Now one last thing that I must add, if anyone were to ask how I died....tell them to the sound of my own Black Rose Lullaby....

    ((Written for my creepy friend.)))

    I love that red liquid, that flows in our veins, the way it feels as spills on my clothes is like the joy from a new toy. Blood is my favorite toy, the many games that can be played with it are all so fun. The games that I play could make others numb with fear. I love blood and I love it on a knife, it's just so fun to take from anyone with a beating heart and pulse. Blood is my favorite color, and blood is my favorite thing, it just taste more salty then it does sweet. I have fun playing with blood, and I think you should too. Seeing as the blood I'm playing with came from you.

    What you are is not a friend to me. The things you do is only to hurt me. Words you use to talk to me can only make me feel bad. All the lies you tell me can only make my life worse. You are not a person at all, you are inhuman. You put down the very people you should love to make yourself fell better. I will not stand for this because I am strong. You are inhuman and the world will soon see that. You will be allow, and you will know that I am free. Inhuman, cold, evil, and no heart at all reads you out perfectly. I am all person, I live, I survive, and I have my humanity. You are inhuman, and you will die that way, while I will live on happy.

    Just lie to me (song)
    Why don't you just look me in my eyes. Why do you do this, making me wanna cry. Oh can't you just do me one thing....Look me in my face and ~just lie to me~, tell me you love me and tell me you care about me, but please look me in the eyes. ~just lie to me~ I laugh but only because I can see it, you don't want to be here with me, and what I want is to die. Help me and you both, say what you know I want to hear, look me in my eyes ~just lie to me~ tell me the things that I want to here, and to make you feel any better, then just kill me so this can be over. You hold my hand, but you hate my touch, you kiss my lips but you think it's a sin. So forget the whole story to tell me the true, don't do what's a waste of time, ~just lie to me~ oh that's what I want from you ~just lie to me~ tell me the things that make me feel happy. Tell me you love me, and tell me you want just me. Kiss me on my lips and ~just lie to me~ ~just lie to me~ Yes that is what I want you to do, tell me you want me, tell me you love me when you hate me, be my love when you think it's a sin. Look at me and tell me you do not want me to die. Yes that is my wish, just look me in the eyes and ~just lie to me~ ~just lie to me~ ~just lie to me~....

    Lost Soals
    I sing la la la song to the lost souls, and those who don't know.
    I sing the song of the fallen angel, those who have lost their soul.
    A song to those who have made it so far, just to have a further fall.
    I sometimes pity the fallen angel, the ones who lost their souls.
    I know that this is a dark world, and with these poor souls, I sob
    for it to end, I feel as if I want to cut it all out, la la la the song
    to the lost souls. So sad the fallen angels will soon be dead,
    and they will take one of us down with them, after going up so
    high there is only one way left. Down down down I will be taken
    to burn in pain if I don't stop the hatred I have, if I rest in Pease
    or not I sing la la la song to the lost souls....

    We are human.
    It is here on Earth that we were born, to learn, grow, and prosper.
    We are the only animal on Earth that are the most unique.
    We are human, we love, we hope, and we reason.
    The human life is basted on these fake truths that money is love, but love comes from within.
    We are human, proud, strong, smart, and truly unique.
    We are human, we can hope, we can reason, but the greatest we can do as human kind
    ....is that we can love.

    Love & Truth
    Sometimes I find that love hurts me. The truth is love really hurts me when I want to show it on my body. Even if it seems to be wrong, the pain is what I love to feel. We love all the time, we are human, it is what we do as the human raise. But next time you love someone, and they love you back. Even if you show the love on your own body, and even if you find it odd that someone really does loves you. Hold that love close forever, no matter what it takes.

    Tell me what we all know, let's all show no emotion to those we don't know, or do know. Emotions are the feelings that we hide inside, they are what we show on our body. If I am sad I will cry and worm water will spill from my eyes. When I know I am angry I will want no one close to me, I'll push them to the side and leave. So when I am in love what is the emotion going to show on my body. Let it be love that I feel and let me learn what it is, so I can hide that emotion inside me too the next time I have it.

    We are here, in the stages of our life, we are told so many things. If we are too young, too old, smart or not smart at all. Time passes, time dies, emotions become nothing in the hearts of some. Learn, love, hope and dream. Keep emotions alive, keep stories written, and let them both come together with your own ideas using your pen and paper.

    We are but nothing to the world, man kind is just another feeble effort to be something to the cosmos, looking at people, going though life, not knowing how small they really are. They, we, everyone, all of us at some point go though life to try and be something in this empty world. Going into life, with the idea we mean something, when in the end we are the same as a grain of sand, we're here, we take up space, we are passed by, but not worth a thing. There are just two things 100% shore about life and the life of others, it's that we are born and that we will all die. People act like they can't see it, they laugh, love...hope, but it falls to nothing. 7 is the memory of our past, 6 is the reminder of ourselves 5 is the ideas we make ourselves, 4 is the way we take on our life, 3 is seeing time is almost done, 2 is the fear as we come close to death, and 1 is when our time is up. Humans....just another moment in time.....like all time.....soon it will run out...

    Love blues
    While I know that you care about me.
    and i know that you and I know you just want to be with me. but I’ve a been walking around thinking bout you and I got to tell you i been thinking how we goin' work ourselves out ands right now id say I’ve got the relationship blues.
    you me, I with you walking down down you hold my hand i hold yours too. You love and you love and you love me but you loving is like a noose and your loving me to death. you know that we love each other but now that its all said and done, its like kind of seems like our love is going to kill death. I’ve got the relationship blues, I don’t know what I have to lose, you love me so much but I’m kind of like blind to this love. your there I’m there we talk, and we laugh, and we kiss, and we make love. but I’ve got the relation ship blues, you mean alot to me but I don’t see this though my collars of blue. I don’t want to hurt, I don’t want to cry, I know I love you baby but this song is only half of my news. I’ve got the relation ship blues, yes I do, the relation ship blues, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you so, I’m getting rid of my relation ship blues, yes they goin be gone, gone, gone they going out the door. I’m going love you like that love you give me, I’m going to love you with my heart, love you tell Death takes us apart baby, ohhh I’m getting these relation ship blues and I’m sweeping them out that door, ohhh yea, they going out that door. they not going to bug me no more, no more, no no no more~

    Let me go
    Tellin' me of memories. Tellin' me of anythin'. I sing and I cry. I write an I feel pain. Stories of tears and stories of pain, the song of my past an all the things that hurt me in my heart. Memories, memories, memories, these are the things that hurt me, I talk about anything other then memories, it fills, spills, and cuts my memory out. When I sing I cry 'cause it hurts me inside to make me think of memories. Just stop the memories, just stop my pain an' I'll stop my singin'. I don't want to hurt anymore, an' I don't want to cry another tear. So let me stop my singing, let me stop my remeberin',
    an' please, just please let me go on.......

    A Love
    Love is a lover lost forever in a sea of stars, and a lover is someone that holds the key to your heart, when the two come together as one, you have a lover to love that can live with you in the sea of stars forever. They will stay by your side, they will be our true love forever, a love is someone you can count on always and forever. They will keep you heart's key, they will keep it safe, a love is someone that will never betray your faith. In the sea of stars forever, will you and your lover stay for always.

    What I see, what I feel, things I learn about, is it real? You can never know if your life is real. Go into a state of mine that may not be real, learn these things are not there or may just be in your mind, I don't know what this means or even if it really is happening, do you have any idea what is truth? What is real? Real is what you may or may not believe, but does this mean if you don't believe in me I am not real? Or if you don't believe in yourself you are not really here? What is real?

    Inside (song)
    Every time I feel its all about me.
    when ever I feel the world is against me.
    If I feel like I'm about to die.
    I remember your the one keeping me alive.
    It's that one around me.
    It's the one I will give my everything.
    my heart, soul, and dreams that live inside me.
    if you tried you can stop my heart beat.
    I'll take your love It'll flow around me.
    no matter how hard you try you can’t deny me.
    I'll be your one and only, a true love someday,
    but you should know one thing...
    ~I'm dieing inside, my mind is going blank,
    and my blood is at a boil, and for you it only means trouble.~
    it means if you wanna be with me a true love of mine the you gatta know what’s instor.
    Goin' though life at fast past there is one thing I can't take, it's the day I find my heart will brake.
    They call me what they wish a fake, a waste, or a pain, and all I can say is to the end I wont bend
    or brake, but the one thing about this is that no matter how we try we can't escape...
    ~I’m dieing inside my mind is going blank
    and my blood is at a boil and for you it only means trouble.~
    So we'll try this again and again and you know what? in the end
    I'm glad that we met, that we laughed, we talked, but most of all....
    I'm very happy that you never left me.
    I should know how mush I owe you, so I'm tellin' you this...thank you and i will always love you....