• Eyes of green.
    Hair of brown.
    Skin of white.
    Lips turned down.

    My hand reaches out,
    shaking with fear.
    And from my eyes,
    falls a small tear.

    Not of happiness,
    extascy or glee.
    But of pain.
    Of seeing me.

    I told myself to ignore,
    to walk past and not veiw.
    But mirrors are hard to miss,
    of this I knew.

    I should not have stopped.
    I should not have stayed.
    But now that I have,
    a price must be paid.

    I knew it had begun,
    like so many times before.
    My mind set to wander,
    with a shut of the door.

    Voices start to stir,
    whispering sinful speech.
    At first undecernable,
    out of ears reach.

    Their origin,
    I know not.
    But harsh are their words,
    of this I know alot.

    Each time I pass,
    a mirror so smooth.
    The voices do start.
    They stir and they move.


    Is what they whisper.
    Burning in my ear,
    making my heart quiver.


    They repeat, the word so cruel.
    I clench my teeth.
    Oh how I am a fool.

    "Did you think you were pretty?"
    The voices do say.
    "Ha ha ha..."

    Oh God, hear me pray.
    top these voices,
    I pray in my soul.
    Before they destroy,
    Before they take their toll.
    But it is too late,
    they have me in their embrace.

    I bite at my lip.
    My heart starts to race.
    I feel my hands move,
    feeling my stomach for fat.
    "Too fat" They whisper.
    And that is that.

    "You must be skinny!"
    "You must be small!"
    More tears start form.
    I am not that at all.

    "We know."
    The voice says rather cold.
    "You are just fat."
    My hands I start to fold.

    I look at them calmly,
    the voices do prepare.
    "To manly."
    Of that I am aware.

    "You stand like a man."
    "You laugh like one too."
    I close my eyes.
    Can all of this be true?

    "Of course it is true."
    "Why would we lie?"
    I bite at my lip,
    wishing to die.

    How did these voices,
    take root in my head?
    Coming upon on me,
    with the utmost of dread.

    They speak words of hurt,
    hell bent to tear down.
    Like I'm swimming in water,
    and starting to drown.

    I want out,
    I want to be free!
    I want all these voices,
    to stop suffocating me!

    I gasp and I scream,
    listening to them chuckle.
    I grab at the counter,
    my knees start to buckle.

    "Ugly, fat, manly,"

    They repeat their cruel list.
    I scream one final time,
    and clench up my fist.

    I reach forward,
    and with one quick punch.
    The mirror I shatter,
    break apart with a crunch.

    Silently I wait,
    my breathing somewhat rough.
    Waiting for the voices,
    are they really that tough?

    I pull my hand back,
    all covered in red.
    Waiting for the voices,
    to return to my head.

    Silence is there,
    with not even a breath.
    Of those evil voices,
    whispering hate and death.

    I close my eyes,
    my mind finally at ease.
    But I know deep down,
    they are like a disease.

    The next mirror I pass,
    will no doubt bring them again.