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    I'm not always perfect
    I've made my mistakes
    They've left me with scars
    That won't ever fade
    My heart's been shattered
    A few too many times
    So if I don't trust you yet
    I'm sorry
    If I don't love you yet
    I'm sorry
    To love you I have to trust you
    And that's asking for a lot
    So when I finally trust you
    Don't abuse that small piece of me
    That I gave you
    When I finally love
    Don't lose what I gave you
    I know I won't get it back
    I'll try to trust
    But please be careful
    I'm fragile and broken
    With cracks and dents
    I'm not whole anymore
    What you see isn't what you get
    There's more under the surface
    But I'm scared to show it
    I'll try and trust you
    I'll try to love you
    But be careful with my heart
    I'll try to trust you
    But please don't abuse it
    I wouldn't ever be the same again