• We are alone.
    That is the only truth that we have clung to.
    We will always remember and cherish that days we loved.
    You took our forest away from us, our forest and our sanctity.

    We must walk now,
    And find a new forest to call home.
    Our search, treacherous and futile, is decided not by us.
    Foretold by ancestry, and lived by us,
    We mirror their struggle.

    They are all we have left.
    Of a time when we were safe
    As we walk we remember, to raise spirits

    We can remember,
    Our days of yore,
    Days, when things were simple,
    Days, when we didn’t live in fear.
    Days, that are now gone

    Our precocious sense of adventure,
    Trampled on by the impending urban sprawl.
    The voice of the people, such animosity yet so armature,
    Sprayed on our walls with pointless aggression.

    When trash began to coat our paths,
    It became intuitive our immigration was imminent.
    The modern youth created our disdain for the humanity we helped create.
    With this discontent, how can we advance as a race?
    Now that our haven is gone,
    Virtues are all that’s tangible.

    Our homeland turned desolate,
    Only we will know the depression that hangs over us,
    Like a rain cloud, we will never know happiness again,
    But we prepared for it
    And so we walk, on and on, to fin a home
    We are…the forest walkers!