• im alone
    im scared
    im lost in this world
    you made me think u where diffrent
    i was lied this to me
    you lied
    how can this always happen to me?

    i just want to scream
    every one doesnt no
    i need a some one to shine a light in my path to help me
    to get out of this dark world
    i dont know
    what to do
    im scared

    oh how can this always happen to me
    i thought it would be diffrent
    oh i was lied to
    nothing will be the same
    no one told me love can be so powerfull

    how can this happen?
    thought you where diffrent
    how can this always happen?
    every night and day it happens
    no one tells the turht

    how can this happen to me?
    so many thing going on im blind
    i need the light to shine on my path
    to get out of this world
    how can this always ahppen to me?
    i cant stand the pain

    how can this always happen?
    i thoght you where diffrent
    no one said you could hurt
    i want to scream
    i want to get out
    but every one is hold me down
    i cry the best i can

    i scream the loudest i can
    so i try
    to hold on
    so i can be happy
    i got to leave the past
    but i cant think of anthing
    oh no i cant

    the night goes on i cry
    i live
    how could this always happen to me
    oh how can it?

    how could it always happen to me?
    oh how can it?
    i try to stay on the yellow line of life
    i keep rifting off to one side and
    i feel like screaming
    how could this always happen to me?