• Lights from the city across from us lit up the lake creating such a beautiful scene
    Sitting in the nighttime chill, so close, yet so far away
    It seems there is no way to be as close together as we want
    Which strengthens the need to be close
    And our bodies pressed closer, as close as they could
    They spoke the language of love as we spoke about our lives
    Making the bond grown stronger
    Every second seemed to last forever
    Like a never-ending moment that will never be forgotten
    And as I looked to him I smiled
    And as I leaned into him the love flowed through our lips
    Romance streaming into both of us
    That moment our lips met, it seemed it was perfect
    Enclosed in his arms, surrounded by his warmth and his love
    It was all so perfect we got caught up in it losing track of time
    Because time seems to slip away when talking is involved
    And so the night ends with one single goodbye
    And to our separate ways we go
    Remembering the scene as if it all is still happening
    But it never really ends
    The love will still grow
    And the bond will still strengthen
    Even after the goodbyes are said