• Monochrome

    The only color of the day


    The only sound of the day

    The minutes blend, yet
    The clocks halt

    The sky fades, yet
    The sun isnt at fault

    Its this feeling
    Of being alone

    It eats our soul
    Til we dont own

    Our own selves anymore

    When we succumb

    To this disease

    The days fade to null

    The nights never come

    We wallow in ourselves

    Unaware because we dont care

    If you could help us

    Our love for you would find air
    Burn again
    Shine light
    Against the day



    the only color of us


    The only sound of us

    The minutes stop, yet
    The clocks spin

    The sky is aflare, yet
    I only see skin

    Its this thing
    Called You

    Its beauty is unmatched
    And obscures my view

    When we succumb

    To this addiction

    The days pass too fast

    The nights go too slow

    We lie in each other

    Unaware because we dont care

    You helped me, and

    My love found air
    Burnt again
    Shone light
    Against your face