• The pain of being betrayed...
    This pain is worse than any other
    I know this pain well
    Its all Ive ever known...

    They lied to you
    Told you they were only joking
    Said they would never do it again...
    Its not true, nor is it ever going to be true

    Pointing fingers
    Laughing at me
    Degrading me as a human being
    Making me feel like a complete idiot....

    All of this goes on right behin your back
    And to know that you would take their side over mine
    Knowing youd agree with them when im the one suffering right beside you...
    That hurts me the most, it hurts me more then anything they could ever do or say to me

    If you love me then wouldnt you want me to be happy?
    Why do you choose them over me?
    Why do you trust them more then me?
    It doesnt make any sense!

    Ive done so much for you...
    Put up with more then my fair share of crap
    I barely complain about any of it
    I just sit there and take it, letting it rot on the inside...

    I never let you know how much pain Im in...
    All the emotional stress Im going through
    All of this is just to much for me...
    Why does it have to be so hard for me?

    My tears have fallen many times over and all over you
    All I ask is you be there when I need the pain to be taken away...
    But you of all people, you encourage their tourture
    By telling me that they only joke and ont mean it gives them the ok to keep going...

    If you really love me you will stand up for me
    Even if you have to stand up to your so called "friends"
    If you can protect me from someone you hate so easily
    It shouldnt be that hard for you to protrct me from your "friends" too...

    PleasedDont let them torture me anymore
    Its tearing me apart slowly from the inside...
    Its slowly tearinf me away from you
    I dont want that!

    The pain of betrayal
    This is a pain worse then death...
    I know this pain all too well
    I just never thought you would betray me as well....