• Goten...
    My boy...

    Those seven years without you
    Were the longest seven years of my life

    The day I saw you for the first time
    I was overwhelmed with both pride and saddness...

    Pride for the strong boy you were
    Saddness for not being there for you

    And it made me think...
    If I were you
    What would I do
    In the same situation?

    When I was a little boy
    Had my father walked up to me

    What would I do?

    Would I have the same reaction as you?
    Would he accept me as I did you?

    So Goten
    While I miss you so
    And I know that you miss me
    Think, my boy
    At least
    You met me

    ~Son Goku P.O.V

    (Yeahhh...I was bored. sweatdrop )

    By:KidGoku13 aka Tadashi the Saiyan