• Hey, hello, hi...maybe goodbye
    Always talking, more hello's
    Than goodbyes. Just the way
    We are. Hugging and kissing.
    Loving one another. Always
    Wondering what your thinking.
    Always predictable. Thinking of
    Ways to make you squirm.
    Torturing your mind. Always fun.
    Wondering around all day.
    Thinking of different things. You
    Always at the top of the list.
    You are always there in my mind.
    The first person I think about
    When I wake up. Always the
    Last person I talk to before bed.
    So much in common. Both stubborn,
    And strong. And yet we care about
    Everyone and each other. Mostly.
    Blue eyes and brown eyes. We
    Each own one of them. I'll give you
    A hint. Mine are as bright as the sky.
    Can you guess which? Blue for me.
    And brown for you. You never
    Knowing what I'm talking about.
    Always confused. I think its the
    Sugar. I'll back to you on that.
    But hey, guess what. I love you.
    You know its true. You never
    Have to second guess that.
    The truth is there. In my smile.
    Loving and caring. There in
    The hugs and kisses I give you.
    Always true. Always there. No
    Doubt about it. I love you.
    And no one else. What do you
    Think of that? I know what
    Makes you happy. Me smiling
    and telling you how much I care.
    That makes me happy too when
    You say the same words as well.
    But hey, guess what. I love you.