• The sunset looked like someone had grabbed a brush
    and painted with the colors red and orange across the
    blue shy, making it almost a lovely pink color. The only
    word you could use to describe it was Beautiful. But when
    there is someone special standing beside you while you
    look at this sunset, you wouldn't be using the word beautiful
    to the scene in front of you but beside you. Beautiful is their
    eyes, their smile, their hands in yours. Beautiful would be their
    laugh, their hugs, their kisses. Beautiful is the love that
    person feels for you and you for them. Sometimes I would
    stare at that sunset I once thought was beautiful and remember
    how lonely I was, how cold I was, how lost I was, how ugly I
    was. But when that special person came into my life, like
    a sunset setting, I never felt that way again. Instead of being
    lonely I felt whole when they were with me, no more cold but
    warm when they held me, never lost when they held my hand
    securely, no more ugly but perfect with you standing near me.
    I would think how lucky I am to have this special person only
    for me, how much they loved me, how they would make me
    blush when I saw them, how nothing could ever compare to
    them, nothing at all. Then I start to run to them, running faster
    and faster as I get closer to them. My lungs ache for air, my legs
    scream at the pain, my body moves like it has a mind of its own.
    When I finally see their beautiful face I smile, knowing that sunset
    could never compare to the special person I see, for what I see
    is someone who loves me, who cares for me, who will never leave
    me. Someone who I would describe as beautiful.