• Each step beneath you shatters another dream.
    Each little dream you step on, the more people die on the inside
    Whisking away these feelings of compassion
    Only a flat affect is left.
    No where else to go
    As you cannot fly
    These dreams you step on, these souls you crush,
    this is not your wish
    To be free of this prison, to not have to hurt these people--
    But no...you took your life in small misery
    "Nobody likes me, I'm so ugly"
    IDIOTS! This is no reason to waste a life as small as yours! Stand out! Be heard! Take not these words of hurt aimed at your heart, your mind, your soul!
    But no.
    You took it all away for such foolish reasons!
    This is your punishment!
    He has given you your rightful punishment
    You are destined--bound--to this new tortue because He declares it.
    You left yourself out as a foolish soul
    Now you're forced to crush others.
    Trapped in this forgotten wasteland
    Each tile is another dream so fragile--so dainty.
    Even the weight of a feather could crush these dreams.
    And the weight of you breaks them beyond repair.
    Go, spread your wings, and spare these souls.
    As there are still 100s of billions of tiles to go.