• Oh, its late
    and chilly out
    but my house is warm
    and the lights are soft
    my dogs fur is fuzzy under my
    chipped pale purple painter fingers
    honey has stuck to my tastebuds
    from my tea
    vaguely sweet, And gentle
    caught in my head
    soft, kind, rimmed with gold
    quietly laughing
    with a song only they know
    His fingerbitten nails nervous habit
    in my hair
    arms gentle around me
    as though i'd shatter
    like tiny gold sea shells
    Easily molded like the paint he loves
    does it matter
    that my hair is frizzy
    my lip-gloss has faded
    my mascara may be running
    my jeans are too big
    i'm dropping things and falling over
    because through his eyes
    I'm outgoing
    fun, funny, cool
    the nicest girl he knows
    Soaked through
    With beauty
    flowing from my eyes and hair and lips
    every inch of my body
    From the rain that soaks us to the bone
    to the wind that blows straight through me
    like glass
    he sees
    everything and understands
    Fires in his eyes
    melt every winter my heart has known
    lets the ice melt into water
    flow away
    into warm red blood
    for real
    this time
    I'm finding that the words
    i love you
    are sweeter than anything
    Salt from his tears and mine
    have mingled with my skin
    along with every laugh
    that ever rattled out stars
    No matter where I go
    on these tattered paths
    with shady trees and fireflies
    you name is always on my lips
    and shards of your heart
    tangled through mine
    oh, it's late
    and chilly out
    I'm not really