• The day I saw you
    I knew it was true
    The day I built up the courage
    To talk to you, you said yes

    Unexpected response made
    My heart pound
    My stomach turn
    My palms sweat
    And my thoughts race

    We lasted months
    Both afraid to say
    The three magic words
    I was first to torture myself
    and force myself to say it

    You said the words back
    Again my heart flipped in joy
    Unsure if yours did too
    I looked into your eyes
    As i had several times before

    I saw the gleam of love
    And i smiled
    tears welled in my eyes
    but i fought back these tears
    and simply hugged you
    a silent thank you

    Now later
    We're being torn apart
    by family and friends
    But through it all
    We stand together
    to share the pain

    We hug and kiss
    And say the magic words
    easily now
    withstanding many assaults
    on our ever-lasting love