• It will be alright.
    It will be okay.
    Somehow,Somewhere it will work out someday__________.
    Trying to find the light in the dark.
    Learning to dance in the rain.
    Seeing good in what is bad.
    Being grateful for what you have.

    It may be hard.
    I never said it would be any walk in the park.
    But I know it will be alright.
    It will be Okay somehow or somewhere it will all work someday.
    Trying to find the good in whats bad.
    Knowing youll learn from all that has happened.
    And finding the light in the dark_________.
    And its not to late your not young.
    It can happen if you think about how.

    It will be alright.
    It will be okay.
    Somehow,Somewhere it will work out someday__________.
    Trying to find the light in the dark.
    Learning to dance in the rain.
    Seeing good in what is bad.
    Being grateful for what you have_________cause it might not be there another day__________.But it will be alright